Friday, March 27, 2009


- Feels so good to be wired up again. After nearly a month of no net access, my new place finally has connection! Took them bloody long enough, now only I realize Saturday doesn't count as a working day.

- Facebook has gotten more n more anal... Just when I got nice and comfy with one layout, they go and change it again... added to that is the mass spam of quizzes, note tags and pictures of cartoons that remind your friends about you... -.-'

- The new Formula 1 season is starting this weekend! Whee~~ But sadly I doubt that I'll be able to catch it due to location/access problems. However, it does look like I will be making the journey to Sepang next weekend again for this years Malaysian GP :D . This time gotta buy tickets myself.. no more freebies d. Will be very interesting to see how the new rules effect the drivers.. and wonder if it'll rain.. hmmm.. I think there would be no more Pak Lah handing out the trophies this time round rite?

- My 'news' website has taken a personal vendetta against the Malaysian govt. A particular minster actually.. Kinda sucks though, can't get the daily 'juicy' news that I regularly do. But I do respect his 'campaign' to fight for the freedom of speech and fight against the 'man'. Shit... sound like one of those hippies you see on tv. -.-'

- Theres this whole earth hour thing going on tomorrow where we are suppose to turn off all our lights for an hour. Does that mean fans, laptops n PCs too? Wouldn't give a crap.. the place we live in is fucked either way what.. Oh well...

- My chatbox seems rather empty.. 3 post for nearly 2 months.. Aih~~ oh well...