Friday, October 13, 2006

Tagged by Ling Ling~

FOR GUYS Turn ON : thumbup , Turn OFF : thumbdown , Don’t care : shake

Is taller than you:

Is shorter than you:

Wears braces:

Has blue eyes:

Has green eyes:

Has hazel eyes:

Brown eyes:

Drinks alcohol:

Wears glasses:


Stares at u all the time:

Wears pink:

Kisses you on ur lips:

Kisses you on ur nose:

Kisses you on ur forehead:

Lie to keep you happy:

Hot headed:


A nerd:

Dark skin:

Fair skin:




Cuddle u alot:

Over protective:

Plays sports:

Smiles a lot:

Calls you just to say Hi:

Compliments you:

Good dancer:

Wears jewelry:

Smiles when you walk in the room:

Has brown hair:

Has Black hair:

Has blonde hair:

Has red hair:


Can make you laugh at any given moment:


Plays guitar:

Plays drums:


He’s buff (muscles):

He can draw:

Easily jealous:

Doesn’t eat meat:

Doesn’t eat vegetables:

Has a tattoo:

Has a lip ring:

Has tongue ring:

FOR GIRLS : Turned ON : thumbup , Turned OFF : thumbdown or DC (don’t care) : shake

dresses like a grandma: thumbdownthumbdown thumbdown

plays musical instrument:thumbup thumbup thumbup thumbup

is shorter than you:thumbup

same height as you:thumbup

is taller than you:shake

has chapped lips:shake

has green eyes:thumbup

blue eyes:thumbup

has brown eyes:thumbup

has long hair:thumbup

has med hair:thumbup

has short hair:thumbup

drinks alcohol:shake

smokes cigs:thumbdownthumbdown

smokes weed:thumbdown thumbdown thumbdown thumbdown (weed is bad kids.. )

wears glasses:shake

has blonde hair:thumbup thumbup

has brown hair:thumbupthumbup

has black hair:thumbup thumbup thumbup

has red hair:shake

works out:thumbup thumbup thumbup thumbup

smiles:thumbup thumbup thumbup thumbup thumbup

calls you just to say hi:thumbup


compliments you:thumbup

shaves her legs:shake

wears jewelry:shake

has bigger feet than you:shake

has smaller feet than you:shake

smiles when you walk into the room:thumbup thumbup

belly piercings:thumbup thumbup

virgin:thumbup thumbup thumbup *evil grin*

laid back:thumbup thumbup thumbup thumbup (quite important)

doesn’t party:shake

likes to party:shake

laughs a lot:thumbup


snorts:thumbdown (dont want no piggie)

pierced ears:thumbup

pierced anything else:thumbup thumbupthumbup (wicked!!)


honest and open:thumbup thumbup thumbup thumbup (lagi la important! )

goes to church:shake shake shake (eh.. go temple tarak ar?? :P)

TAGGED : May, Leo , Kat, Dee, *actually anyone else whos readin this :D)