See, this is the only time i can openly drink n gamble in front of my parents. Whats best, i get 'paid' in red packets for it!! Anyways, this cny seems to be a lil anti climax abit. why? Less ppl to visit = less ang paos. Equation proven! Yea well, for one, my grandma is no longer here, so there will be less visiting from that side of the family. Some of the gang in malacca also go overseas d, so less houses to visit as well. So.. lets see how this cny goes la. Oh yea, i'm kinda in a blur state now. So i need to know who's having open house when?? Steph, Leo, can tell me again ar?? :x.. I know as moment of typing, drew is plannin sum cny annual visit. Oh yea again, folks, if u wanna visit my place, no problem, but need to call me in advance yea, to check if i'm at home o not :D
Anyways, past few days have been pretty full and luckily not boring. Activities included futsal, pool, and mah jong.. Yes mah jong folks!! Remember sum where last year when my hostel room was like a mah jong gambling den? Well, now i've picked it up!! Not pro la.. play 3 ppl mah jong nia. The 4 ppl type i'm still not so sure. Just play for fun.
Hmmm.. also, had satay celup for the second time in 5 days last thursday!! Sempena prash's return to bali. Those who were there was me, may pin, jac, prash , joanne wee, don and ho chun. Sorry leo for not being able to wait for u yea! >.< .. Took a few pics la. May pin was obsessed over some chinese ah beng who dressed like a hip hop wannabe.. wats worse.. she n jac use MY cam to camwhore him sial!! MY camera.. full of guy picS!! wtf ¬.¬ haha.. may, better take it fast o..
some of the stuff we use to celup
these are the medium sized prawns.. duno why tis time no big ASS ones :(
don, jac (wit sum funny pose) and may
prash n joanne
me enjoyin my satay celup. Ho chun in the background
may pin n me
So thats about it for now, happy year of the babi.. eat more pork!! n have a porkelicious year!!