Gotta love cooking at home
Since I've been in a mood to cook lately I decided to try and come up with lunch for myself. And coming back to a well stocked fridge is a real heaven! Decided to make a super omelet for lunch. So I looked for eggs *check*, onions *check*,tomatoes *check*, cheese *check*, spices and condiments *check* and most importantly bacon *check*. So off I went creating a mess or a masterpiece.
The secret ingredient : bacon.. pork bacon..
Started off by frying the bacon together with the onions. Once that was cooked, I added some olive oil and poured 2 eggs in that I seasoned with pepper. When the eggs was almost done I threw in 1 tomato inside. Finally I added 1 slice of cheese (should've used 2) along with some black pepper, oregano, salt and paprika flakes! Only thing is my pan was kinda small for 2 eggs so I had a problem making the perfect omelet shape. Oh well... again presentation went out the window.
My omelet supreme!
In the end it did turn out pretty good I have to say, got the thumbs up from my mom so I guess that is THE sign of approval eh? Well other than that, the bloody hot and humid weather didn't help at all. Had to take 3 showers today!
This is Da Bomb!! Actually it would make a pretty good one!
But the heat of the day couldn't keep me away from eating the best fruit the da world. Just the other day in KL one of the neighbours were eating durians and all I could do was to smell and mope.. Its been awhile since I got to taste that familiar creamy, sweet, slightly bitter and ever so tasty fruit! Finally I got my durian fix for this year! Was it enough? I don't know, hope to get some more tomorrow before I get on the bus back to KL!