Finally, i can say "Limpeh pass diploma liao!!! woohoo!! ". After 3 (me slow, so kena extra one year lo). But hey, i guess all the hard work (wonder how many were there actually since 90% is last minute) paid off eh? :D. So i guess as usual with every new term, i'll say i wanna work harder, study more consistenly, and waste less time. hahahah.. if u all know me well d, u'd know that by every end of sem, it'll be the same crap. ahahahha.. But this time round, reli reli reli wanna bertaubat d..
Entering Advance Dip. made me realize that i really need to step up a couple of gears. Not to mention this sem i'll be taking 7 subjects!! Although 1 is english and 1 more is moral studies (in BM weh!!). But the moral sounds interesting as we get to debate on current issues like war, terrorism, racism, sex (yes sex!!), amongst others, so totally different from high school thank god! But thing is, its in malay.. so saddening abit.. my malay dah berkarat d lo >.<
Hmmm.. well, to those who are gonna take ur exams soon, good luck yea! :D. Oh oh, i have Avril, Linkin Park and Good Charlotte latest Cds in my com. Due to time constrain, i'll be brief ; For Avril's record, don't fret folks, cos not all her songs sound like Girlfriend, although 1 or 2 do la. There are some very nice slow songs, but most of em sound very punk-ish. Well, with her husband as producer and Travis Barker (ex Blink 182 drummer) on a few tracks, i'm not surprise la. But sounds great non the less :D .. 4 out of 5 (too much punk for me)
Linkin Park's Minutes to Midnight also rocks!! True to their word, they sound totally different from their past 2 records, less heavy riffs, less shouting. But then, their sounds have really 'matured' la in a way. Although the edgyness (soory bout spellin :P) is sum what less but still, they manage to find the rite combo to make their songs work :D. 5 out of 5
Good Charlotte leh, i've never own or dl all their records before. So i don't know what to compare with. Dont' sound all that bad, infact, some tunes are really nice. I'll need to listen over n over again to find out whether its worth it la. The jury is still out on this one. But they can totally rock :D
Finally someone has brought ROCK back!! >:D . Speaking of back, i should be coming back this weekend. So anyone around, buzz me la eh :D. Wanna get ready for futsal now. ciaoz!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
26.05.07 - Busy busy ....
Seems like i've not updated my blog for nearly a week now. Sorry for dat la eh. The reason was i was quite busy and damn tired during past week, that i really got no semangat wanna go to the cc. Was actually helping out with this college event thing, something like prom night, but with a beauty pagent/talent show in it. So i + a number of others helped out by 'looking' and 'interviewing' potential candidates for the thing.
So on the first day, a few of us had to walk under the blazing sun and hand out flyers to those freshman (yea, it was orientation week for them) who we think are good enough ( IOW, pretty or handsome enough la :P). Well, i have to say, after all the dissing about the kinds of girls in my college, i am still left to be stand corrected. Can say out of 10 girls (i dont look at guys k :P), 5 are the 'seafood' dressed type from head to toe, 3 are the chinese ed kind but not 'seafood-ish' but still can see the way the dress is 'different' like trying too hard ya know.. and a rare 1-2 are the kind who i think is my type hahaha.. Serious weh, even the other crew members who worked last year also say this year's quality merosot.. sad sad...
But then, since we had a job to do, terpaksa la we go jalan n cari ppl. Although actually, we only scouted for ppl around the canteen. Didn't bother to go any further cos one way or another, they will end up there. Then after about an hour or 2 under the heated sun, we decided to help out in the interview room. Well, the interview isn't as glamerous as u'd think. We are not Randy, Paula or Simon, more like the ones who takes down their details before they go for auditions. Ahhh... at least got air-con... But i think this was the best part la, get to interview the contestants and mingle with them later on. So many kinds of ppl in my college weh, from the friendly to the shy to the close-to-nervous-breakdown to the down right obnoxious oso got. Oddly enough, out of so many freshmen (<-- no such word as freshwomen?) i interviewed , only 1 fella came from malacca. That also he SFI student.. My x school ppl tak minat Tar college eh? Smart choice maybe la.
Second day was more of the same except this time, we refused to go down and hand out flyers. Instead, we just waited for them to come to us :D. The really sad thing was, after awhile, when there weren't any more ppl coming to audition, it can get very very boring.. Like watching paint dry kind of boring. Borak with the other crew members helped la, but one can only talk for so much 2 each other for a day rite? We couldn't wait to hear the words 'sao gong' from the judges as it ment that no one else gets in on dat day. But the thing i notice is, from first day to the forth day, the time that we 'pang kang' is later n later.. shouldn't it be the other way? O.o
I think i know why... the ones who got chosen during the first auditions (3 in total) come back for the seconds. And in typical malaysian fashion, when we called and asked who wants to go next, no one stood up. Everyone was waiting for everyone else to go. There were some who came at the start of the auditions, but only went for their second audition nearing the end. Almost everyone gave the same excuse, scared la, not ready la, if i had a dollar for everytime i heard that... But one thing is for sure la, as the ones coming for first audition became less and more of them are there for call-backs, can really see the 'cream' of the freshmen who bothered to come.
By the third day, we were only layan-ing call-backs and those first ones who we think are worth it. Like i said, can really see the difference. On that day, we had more time to chat, mingle and well just make friends with them. It may seem funny, but sumhow, wearing a tag that says 'Crew' really makes it easier to talk to them (esp the hot/pretty/cute ones :D). Don't see me walking around saying 'how ya doin' to every girl that passes by on a normal day rite? Ah well, i was on duty so didn't feel like i needed to get their number or email or wat not. That day will come next time la. hahaha..
So, by the end of yesterday, the dust had settled, our job is over for now. Was really fun again.. made new peeps, both from the freshmen and fellow crew members. I duno if its stereotype or wat, but people from the mass com/business courses are easier to chat n make friends with. Ppl, from my course seem like they got gold in their mouth. I think studyin engineering there for so long is making me turn into one slowly.. nooooo~~~ .. Need more friends outside of the School of Technology.. arrrhh.. Speaking of which, classes start next week. DAmn.. results will out soon as well.... if i pass, can sambung, if i don't .. well, i dont know .. see how la. :P
Oh, besides that, i've already watched Shrek 3 , thanks to special preview tickets from a friend. Totally rocks!! Ya'll should really go see (although i do think shrek 2 is funnier). But i haven't seen pirates yet.. :(.. Oh, been watching earlier episodes of Scrubs, and u know wat, the guy tat plays Hiro Nakamura had a few cameos as a pharmasist!! Speaking of Heroes, need to go get from friend soon.. >.< And oh, can't come back this weekend... maybe next week la eh
So on the first day, a few of us had to walk under the blazing sun and hand out flyers to those freshman (yea, it was orientation week for them) who we think are good enough ( IOW, pretty or handsome enough la :P). Well, i have to say, after all the dissing about the kinds of girls in my college, i am still left to be stand corrected. Can say out of 10 girls (i dont look at guys k :P), 5 are the 'seafood' dressed type from head to toe, 3 are the chinese ed kind but not 'seafood-ish' but still can see the way the dress is 'different' like trying too hard ya know.. and a rare 1-2 are the kind who i think is my type hahaha.. Serious weh, even the other crew members who worked last year also say this year's quality merosot.. sad sad...
But then, since we had a job to do, terpaksa la we go jalan n cari ppl. Although actually, we only scouted for ppl around the canteen. Didn't bother to go any further cos one way or another, they will end up there. Then after about an hour or 2 under the heated sun, we decided to help out in the interview room. Well, the interview isn't as glamerous as u'd think. We are not Randy, Paula or Simon, more like the ones who takes down their details before they go for auditions. Ahhh... at least got air-con... But i think this was the best part la, get to interview the contestants and mingle with them later on. So many kinds of ppl in my college weh, from the friendly to the shy to the close-to-nervous-breakdown to the down right obnoxious oso got. Oddly enough, out of so many freshmen (<-- no such word as freshwomen?) i interviewed , only 1 fella came from malacca. That also he SFI student.. My x school ppl tak minat Tar college eh? Smart choice maybe la.
Second day was more of the same except this time, we refused to go down and hand out flyers. Instead, we just waited for them to come to us :D. The really sad thing was, after awhile, when there weren't any more ppl coming to audition, it can get very very boring.. Like watching paint dry kind of boring. Borak with the other crew members helped la, but one can only talk for so much 2 each other for a day rite? We couldn't wait to hear the words 'sao gong' from the judges as it ment that no one else gets in on dat day. But the thing i notice is, from first day to the forth day, the time that we 'pang kang' is later n later.. shouldn't it be the other way? O.o
I think i know why... the ones who got chosen during the first auditions (3 in total) come back for the seconds. And in typical malaysian fashion, when we called and asked who wants to go next, no one stood up. Everyone was waiting for everyone else to go. There were some who came at the start of the auditions, but only went for their second audition nearing the end. Almost everyone gave the same excuse, scared la, not ready la, if i had a dollar for everytime i heard that... But one thing is for sure la, as the ones coming for first audition became less and more of them are there for call-backs, can really see the 'cream' of the freshmen who bothered to come.
By the third day, we were only layan-ing call-backs and those first ones who we think are worth it. Like i said, can really see the difference. On that day, we had more time to chat, mingle and well just make friends with them. It may seem funny, but sumhow, wearing a tag that says 'Crew' really makes it easier to talk to them (esp the hot/pretty/cute ones :D). Don't see me walking around saying 'how ya doin' to every girl that passes by on a normal day rite? Ah well, i was on duty so didn't feel like i needed to get their number or email or wat not. That day will come next time la. hahaha..
So, by the end of yesterday, the dust had settled, our job is over for now. Was really fun again.. made new peeps, both from the freshmen and fellow crew members. I duno if its stereotype or wat, but people from the mass com/business courses are easier to chat n make friends with. Ppl, from my course seem like they got gold in their mouth. I think studyin engineering there for so long is making me turn into one slowly.. nooooo~~~ .. Need more friends outside of the School of Technology.. arrrhh.. Speaking of which, classes start next week. DAmn.. results will out soon as well.... if i pass, can sambung, if i don't .. well, i dont know .. see how la. :P
Oh, besides that, i've already watched Shrek 3 , thanks to special preview tickets from a friend. Totally rocks!! Ya'll should really go see (although i do think shrek 2 is funnier). But i haven't seen pirates yet.. :(.. Oh, been watching earlier episodes of Scrubs, and u know wat, the guy tat plays Hiro Nakamura had a few cameos as a pharmasist!! Speaking of Heroes, need to go get from friend soon.. >.< And oh, can't come back this weekend... maybe next week la eh
Sunday, May 20, 2007
20.05.07 - Guess where i went??
see the sign
Of all the places to go on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, me, jac, don n su ling went to da zoo!! Yes folks, you read rite, like a bunch of small kids, we dengan semangatnyer went to the Malacca zoo. At first, it was Jac's idea when she and i were chatting online. At first i thought she was only kidding, then she say serious and sumhow i felt like she dared me, so i agreed lo. Then she ajak-ed don who called su ling as well. Well, actually, su ling can say was given insufficient amount of info la. All don said was 'We are goin out, wanna join?'. So dengan sportingnyer, the four of us headed there after having lunch together.
reminds me of Madagascar o.o
The zoo hasn't changed much over the years, the last time i went was in form 2 or form 3. Was following sum lawatan sambil belajar thing by my mom's school. There are new animals but most of em seem to be sleeping.. So didn't get many pictures lo. But mostly, the rest of the zoo like biasa la. Luckily for us, the weather today was cloudy although there was a slight drizzle early on. And i have to say, its been a long time since i've walked so much. And i think the two girls also lama d tak exercise so this was a good opportunity for them to stretch their leg muscles (shopping doesn't count :P).
We saw quite a number of animals there from giraffes, zebras, elephants, tigers, many kinds of cattle and primates amongst others.. It sure was a refreshment course in Nature 101 since most of us just sit at home, eyes either on computer or tv or books (although i do watch National Geographic and Animal Planet so i'm not so sesat la ;) ). Then there was this animal show thing, uhm, basically its like the trainers and the animals buat 'stunts' for the audience la. From birds of prey, smart parrots to snakes and orang utans dat were very well trained. *note : su ling damn scared of snakes :s* . The snake part was damn disappointing cos all they did was pull the snake out of the bag, out of box under the audience bench and show to everyone. They didn't even let you touch the snake let alone take a picture of it. I so wanted to be like Jeff Corwin la :(.
This are zebras k
The ones behind me, are giraffes, k su ling? :P
Then after that, we walk walk walk, took some shelter while it rained, and continued walking and looking. Oh, and with don around, surely there was lots of jokes and pokes through out the day. Variety was there, but most of them seem to be from the cow and deer family. Didn't get to see any rhinos ke, insects ke.. Even the big cats was all sleeping, so there wasn't much to see. Don wanted so much to see Nicky, no not Nicky Sanders from Heroes, Nicky the tiger cub dat was saved from the cooking pot by reporters from The Star. But like the rest, they were nicely sleeping due to the cool weather.
Horny buggers.. damn horny sial
I myself wanted to see the reptile house but sadly, it was very very disappointing. Only thing worth mentioning out of the 5 (or was it 6) enclosures was a BIG ass Burmese python dat was all curled up. Even their crocs also so small. Thought got 7 feet croc dat would make the late Steve Irwin say 'Kirky, thats a big one!' but all i saw was small small ones. Think the bigger ones are in the Crocodile farm across the road from the zoo (maybe some other time we go there?)
Kriky!! It's a small one mate!
Then while we were walking in the Primate enclosure, there was this Gibbon really caught our attention. The fella was camwhoring sial!! Posing all maut maut for the cameras. Laweh, first time i see a primate so eager to pose for humans to snap photo, almost every 3-5 min it will change pose. Damn funny sialz... I remember last time when i was here, i hated to come inside this place cos there was alot of normal monkeys all over.. Never know when they might just attack me. But this time round, satu beruk pun tak nampak. All that was there in the beruk place was a lone horn bill!! Dunno come from where tis sesat fella.
Combo shot of the cam-whore gibbon
After that walked, saw a few more animals, birds, cracked alot more jokes, and then we went to Mc'Ds in JJ for tea. Although i think Don and Jac was having lunch take 2. Then at night, the three of us, minus su ling but add leo went to New Newton for dinner. Sorry la couldn't stay and chat longer eh.. But jac wanted to go Sunshine with her friends at 10 anyways :P .
Who's the monkey now?
So after a long day, and a long 3 weeks, i'm heading back to KL tomorrow. This time, holidays was also fun. At least i didn't have to stay at home and rot like years before. So can say so far this year, 2 out of 2 sem breaks has been great :) . Oh oh, i got another mohawk cut! I think this one looks better la.. Maybe i'll cam whore next time :P
Group pic :D
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
16.05.07 - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

eh, where's Cristiano??
Finally, after 38 (36 to be exact) long games, the English Premiership season is over! With a season full of emotions and kancheong-ness, this has to be the best race to the title yet! So with until mid August till the next season starts, i guess u all don't have to dread to read bout my football post d la.. Well, at least not about the EPL la.. still got FA Cup this weekend!! sweet!! hahaha.. Oh, btw, since our PM is such a good man, ask the FAM to go against the bastards called the AFC, United will be coming down here to play a friendly match on July 27th.. Anyone interested to go?? So anyways, its been a great season for me and all the United supporters!! United FTW!! All the hard work and patience paid off!! Thanks for the memories guys!!
Anyways, past few days i have been going out with the friends who are still in malacca. Sorry to kacau u MMU students eh.. may, leo, su ling (esp the last 2) i know ur exams are like now, but i lonely larr... need company :P. All the makans, minums and pool sessions yang meng-interrupt-kan ur study time.. gomenasai .. hehe.. u guys rock!!
Oh, leo ask me to promote something : Who wanna go Redang during end of june liddat?? interested?? go call her.. visit her blog link for more info .. click here. I hope to be going la. I think if i can graduate this year, then i'll go, if not, i think i'll piss my parents too much d. :x
Rite.. i'll be leaving back for kl on sunday.. haiz.. so fast 3 weeks pass.. Sad sial.. need a haircut.. Should i get another Mohawk cut??
P.S. : sorry for the short post ya.. having bloggers block (cliche i know :P)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
10.05.07 - Food For Thought...
*Disclaimer : i won't be held responsible if anyone who's reading this terasa ke, annoyed ke, angry ke... and more importantly, i wont be apologizing :P*
Yesterday, i had this very interesting conversation with Wei Nie : Why lala girls/boys make better girl/boyfriends compared to english educated ones and why should i date 1 of em. I for one can never see myself dating someone who dresses, acts and who's interest is sea-food-ish ( lala = seafood ). Rite, i will talking about the 2 different ends ok, not those who are 50-50.. And i don't mean those who have chinese education but have an english up bringing or vise versa, i'm saying those who have the chinese chinese mentality and the chinese english mentality. Need to take the extremist of each side :D
Well, according to her, chinese-ed (will use the term since ppl might think i'm discriminating them if i say lala) girls possess certain qualities lacking in their english ed counterparts. What are they i asked... For one, she says they are more obedient.... As in boyfriend say this , they will obey, boyfriend say go see movie, they follow, boyfriend say don't mess around with others, they stay loyal, boyfriend saysuck his.. *oops* .. Really, are they really THAT obedient ? And does that mean english educated girls tend to go against their boyfriend's words? So why are they that kuai? Is it because they are brought up in an environment where the man rules all and the women will just stay at home, cook and make babies?? Thats just absurd rite?..
Next, there's the thing that english educated girls (and guys as well) are very self absorbed and tend to let our egos get the better of us. Are we?? Am i?? Is it THAT bad? I don't know, maybe we are, but what makes the chinese ed ones any less different?? I think they are also very self absorbed in themselves. Bah.. i dunno how to argue this point... :P
Then there's this thing where we english ed ones are more uptight and are less romantic? WTF.. She claims that ppl like me are too self absorbed to express how we truly feel to that other person and tend to be not on the romantic side. Is this true?? I thought one should not express how they feel unless they are 100% sure of what they are feeling is true? If that is correct, then rite, maybe, we don't feel that way about that person, thats why we can't express ourselves. Oh, in other words, we don't wanna give the girl false perception of how we feel towards her :P. As for the romantic part, i duno la.. i am sure though, that Jac will 100% agree that i ain't no Romeo la :( .. But then women, if i have to bring my A game, i will bring my A-game :P.
Wait, thats only for the guys, what about girls leh? Those who have boyfriends, got a question for you, do you express how you feel towards your guy very often? Or do you just keep it in and hope that sum how, he can read your mind?
Hmmm.... the next thing was that chinese ed ppl are more simple minded and straight to the point. Like if they see something, then thats that, no 'why its like that', 'how come can like that', or 'whats the catch'. And if they see someone they like, they just go for him... no thinking of what if's. A little too gung-ho for me though, yes i am english ed, so i tend to think a lil bit more.. But why not? Don't you think there are consequences to actions that you take? Don't tell me if u see a girl that appeals to you, you just 'cheong' only without taking certain factors into mind?? Alright, maybe it's due to watching too much One Tree Hill, The O.C. and Grey's Anatomy kind of shows that makes me(us english ed ones) think twice?
Well, that being that, she thinks i should go for the chinese ed girl because they will be obedient, more expressive of themselves, uh... more caring and a whole load of other stuff la.. However, i strongly disagree... Why? first reason being, Wheres the common interest?? As far as i know, there will be NOTHING that will be topic of interest. Ok, 2 topics of interest that i can see having huge conflict is : music and movies/tv shows. And mind u, these are the two which are very big in my life.
For one, i'm the kind of guy who listens to ENGLISH songs.. chinese ed girls will listen to CHINESE songs.. Even if they do listen to english ones, it will be those oh so pop-ish kinds like britney, justin, Backstreet boys kind. And oh, the techno, house kind of songs.. IOW, feng-tao music that is being played in clubs. I'm the kind that listens to My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Metallica, Linkin Park and Avril where as the chinese ed ones will be all Jay Chou, JJ Lin, SHE, Jolin etc. How can we ever strike a common cord?
As for the movies, how to take the girl who only understands chinese to shows like Die Hard, Meet The Parents and American Pie? Shows that require listening to the dialog to catch whats happening la. Same goes for me, i can understand chinese, abit, but still, i don't enjoy watching chinese shows unless they are the really funny types ( think Stephen Chow) or action types (think kung fu and chinese gangsta movies). Tv leh, lagi la die, fact : I don't watch TVB serials and i don't watch channel 30 on Astro (in fact, i don't have the chinese package :P). Some how , i just tak boleh tahan. And you expect chinese ed girls to sit down and watch and enjoy House MD, One Tree Hill, Heroes and Lost with me? I seriously doubt that.
Something missing? I'm sure those who know me might think, what about your 'wife' , football? Well, thing is, it don't really matter if the girl i go out with likes football or not. Cos rite, more often then not, girls i know have no interest at all in sports let alone football. So i've come to accept that if i get a girl who is a football fan, its a bonus, if she is a Man Utd fan, like 6 months bonus!! hahaha... And if she enjoys my other passion, Formula 1, its like striking the lottery!! Twice!! hahahaha... So there, i won't put this as a criteria, i think if i do, there won't be anyone left :P.
Plus, i need a girl who i can communicate with, in english.. Somehow, to me la, i don't think if i have a banter/debate on a topic in english, i will get an equal and good response.. Basically, i need someone who can also stimulate me mentally. I think those who are from the same side as me can give me that. They will know what the heck i'm talking about and how to balas balik :D. And oh, jangan harap for me to express my feelings or be romantic in chinese. I'll admit that i'm not good at it. How la wanna convey the words like " Watching you smile just makes my day, or because of you, now i feel complete" stuff like dat.. And rite, if i were to say those words to her in english, would she understand?
Oh, have u seen their fashion sense?? I tell you, they look like clowns without makeup!! wait wait.. they do put on make up.. Ok ok rephrase, they look like clowns without the white make up and red nose !!! Come to TAR college and you will see what i mean. And rite, their hairstyle, adui... tak boleh tahan la... feel like taking a shaver n just shave their whole head bald!! Like mine !! hhahahaha
See, for those reasons alone, i seriously say that i cannot, will not, go out with someone if she the lala type :P. Sorry la, just had to use that word :P... Actually, i promised Kat that i'd blog about Love or Money, sorry la kat, i'll blog about it in the next few post k :)
On another note, after 1 week in the shop, i finally got my electric guitar back!! Now it has a black strap and a black pick to accompany it!! YEAH!!


Feels and sounds like brand new!! yay!! Back to rocking.. ciaoz..


*Disclaimer : i won't be held responsible if anyone who's reading this terasa ke, annoyed ke, angry ke... and more importantly, i wont be apologizing :P*
Yesterday, i had this very interesting conversation with Wei Nie : Why lala girls/boys make better girl/boyfriends compared to english educated ones and why should i date 1 of em. I for one can never see myself dating someone who dresses, acts and who's interest is sea-food-ish ( lala = seafood ). Rite, i will talking about the 2 different ends ok, not those who are 50-50.. And i don't mean those who have chinese education but have an english up bringing or vise versa, i'm saying those who have the chinese chinese mentality and the chinese english mentality. Need to take the extremist of each side :D
Well, according to her, chinese-ed (will use the term since ppl might think i'm discriminating them if i say lala) girls possess certain qualities lacking in their english ed counterparts. What are they i asked... For one, she says they are more obedient.... As in boyfriend say this , they will obey, boyfriend say go see movie, they follow, boyfriend say don't mess around with others, they stay loyal, boyfriend say
Next, there's the thing that english educated girls (and guys as well) are very self absorbed and tend to let our egos get the better of us. Are we?? Am i?? Is it THAT bad? I don't know, maybe we are, but what makes the chinese ed ones any less different?? I think they are also very self absorbed in themselves. Bah.. i dunno how to argue this point... :P
Then there's this thing where we english ed ones are more uptight and are less romantic? WTF.. She claims that ppl like me are too self absorbed to express how we truly feel to that other person and tend to be not on the romantic side. Is this true?? I thought one should not express how they feel unless they are 100% sure of what they are feeling is true? If that is correct, then rite, maybe, we don't feel that way about that person, thats why we can't express ourselves. Oh, in other words, we don't wanna give the girl false perception of how we feel towards her :P. As for the romantic part, i duno la.. i am sure though, that Jac will 100% agree that i ain't no Romeo la :( .. But then women, if i have to bring my A game, i will bring my A-game :P.
Wait, thats only for the guys, what about girls leh? Those who have boyfriends, got a question for you, do you express how you feel towards your guy very often? Or do you just keep it in and hope that sum how, he can read your mind?
Hmmm.... the next thing was that chinese ed ppl are more simple minded and straight to the point. Like if they see something, then thats that, no 'why its like that', 'how come can like that', or 'whats the catch'. And if they see someone they like, they just go for him... no thinking of what if's. A little too gung-ho for me though, yes i am english ed, so i tend to think a lil bit more.. But why not? Don't you think there are consequences to actions that you take? Don't tell me if u see a girl that appeals to you, you just 'cheong' only without taking certain factors into mind?? Alright, maybe it's due to watching too much One Tree Hill, The O.C. and Grey's Anatomy kind of shows that makes me(us english ed ones) think twice?
Well, that being that, she thinks i should go for the chinese ed girl because they will be obedient, more expressive of themselves, uh... more caring and a whole load of other stuff la.. However, i strongly disagree... Why? first reason being, Wheres the common interest?? As far as i know, there will be NOTHING that will be topic of interest. Ok, 2 topics of interest that i can see having huge conflict is : music and movies/tv shows. And mind u, these are the two which are very big in my life.
For one, i'm the kind of guy who listens to ENGLISH songs.. chinese ed girls will listen to CHINESE songs.. Even if they do listen to english ones, it will be those oh so pop-ish kinds like britney, justin, Backstreet boys kind. And oh, the techno, house kind of songs.. IOW, feng-tao music that is being played in clubs. I'm the kind that listens to My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Metallica, Linkin Park and Avril where as the chinese ed ones will be all Jay Chou, JJ Lin, SHE, Jolin etc. How can we ever strike a common cord?
As for the movies, how to take the girl who only understands chinese to shows like Die Hard, Meet The Parents and American Pie? Shows that require listening to the dialog to catch whats happening la. Same goes for me, i can understand chinese, abit, but still, i don't enjoy watching chinese shows unless they are the really funny types ( think Stephen Chow) or action types (think kung fu and chinese gangsta movies). Tv leh, lagi la die, fact : I don't watch TVB serials and i don't watch channel 30 on Astro (in fact, i don't have the chinese package :P). Some how , i just tak boleh tahan. And you expect chinese ed girls to sit down and watch and enjoy House MD, One Tree Hill, Heroes and Lost with me? I seriously doubt that.
Something missing? I'm sure those who know me might think, what about your 'wife' , football? Well, thing is, it don't really matter if the girl i go out with likes football or not. Cos rite, more often then not, girls i know have no interest at all in sports let alone football. So i've come to accept that if i get a girl who is a football fan, its a bonus, if she is a Man Utd fan, like 6 months bonus!! hahaha... And if she enjoys my other passion, Formula 1, its like striking the lottery!! Twice!! hahahaha... So there, i won't put this as a criteria, i think if i do, there won't be anyone left :P.
Plus, i need a girl who i can communicate with, in english.. Somehow, to me la, i don't think if i have a banter/debate on a topic in english, i will get an equal and good response.. Basically, i need someone who can also stimulate me mentally. I think those who are from the same side as me can give me that. They will know what the heck i'm talking about and how to balas balik :D. And oh, jangan harap for me to express my feelings or be romantic in chinese. I'll admit that i'm not good at it. How la wanna convey the words like " Watching you smile just makes my day, or because of you, now i feel complete" stuff like dat.. And rite, if i were to say those words to her in english, would she understand?
Oh, have u seen their fashion sense?? I tell you, they look like clowns without makeup!! wait wait.. they do put on make up.. Ok ok rephrase, they look like clowns without the white make up and red nose !!! Come to TAR college and you will see what i mean. And rite, their hairstyle, adui... tak boleh tahan la... feel like taking a shaver n just shave their whole head bald!! Like mine !! hhahahaha
See, for those reasons alone, i seriously say that i cannot, will not, go out with someone if she the lala type :P. Sorry la, just had to use that word :P... Actually, i promised Kat that i'd blog about Love or Money, sorry la kat, i'll blog about it in the next few post k :)
On another note, after 1 week in the shop, i finally got my electric guitar back!! Now it has a black strap and a black pick to accompany it!! YEAH!!


Feels and sounds like brand new!! yay!! Back to rocking.. ciaoz..




Monday, May 07, 2007
*like The Rock*Finally...... the title has come back... to Old Trafford!! Yes, after 3 agonizing years ( i know its been more for the liverpool supporters :P), we finally won it again!! Well, thanks to Arsenal for drawing their match earlier tonight against Chelsea. Somehow, i feel that Jose will have something to say about the dismissal and missing key players.. He's always liddat.. biasa d. It has been a great season for us. Ronaldo and Rooney coming of age (although we were still like boys against the old men of Milan) and fringe players stepping up when called upon. The oldies of the team also gave an evergreen performance this season. Still, there will be 2 games left b4 the season draws to a close. I expect us to collect at least 4 more points. :D.. Then, its of to Wembley where i hope we are able to do the double this season. *fingers crossed*
Earlier on today, went for dinner with Don, Leo and Ling at Pak Putra. Best Tandoori Chicken in town IMHO. The mutton curry is not bad either. Wait wait.. it was Delicious!!! Just thinking of the juicy , tender n sweet meat makes my mouth water :}~~ . Think most of u already know about the place rite?? If u don't next time ajak me for dinner and i'll take you there :).
After that, dengan semangatnyer, went to Jonker Walk bersiar-siar. As usual, nothing much.. Plenty of candy on the street. Just non for the eyes.. well, mine anyways :(... Then, Don brought us to this cafe.. urm.. Calathe Art Cafe if i'm not mistaken the name.. Serves coffee!! So many different kinds of coffee in fact.. 1 page of their menu has 13 different blends, for the 13 different states in our country (not surprising, they named each one after each state) !! Then got all kind of other types, got ur regular ones : espresso, double shot espresso, cappuccino, latte, etc ; the ice blended range, smoothies (chendol smoothie oso got!), and special coffee blends. I feel like trying everything on the menu weh!! But i think got at least 50 kinds of drinks so... it might take some time ><~ . Oh, there was even coffee served with alcohol, 1 is with Bailey's (which i usually make at home) and another with mint liquor. Coffee Bean and Starbucks can eat the dust d!! Price also cheaper.. I saw cakes in the fridge.. no more stomach to try though.. quite full d. They do have food and finger food which looks yummy.. *slurp*..
Yeah, finally get to add another place in my list of places tat can bring friends to yum cha at nite. Now if only got live band.. hmmm.. hehehe.. Oh, finally got to play futsal again yesterday with the malacca kaki :D. Too bad Jo is still out injured.. aiyo.. kesian... Somehow, playing here and in KL really got difference la.. Tend to take more shots there then here. Well, good thing bout it is i can improve my shot accuracy n power :D
Weather has been bloody hot lately... gonna take another shower now.. at 230 am.. GG...
Earlier on today, went for dinner with Don, Leo and Ling at Pak Putra. Best Tandoori Chicken in town IMHO. The mutton curry is not bad either. Wait wait.. it was Delicious!!! Just thinking of the juicy , tender n sweet meat makes my mouth water :}~~ . Think most of u already know about the place rite?? If u don't next time ajak me for dinner and i'll take you there :).
After that, dengan semangatnyer, went to Jonker Walk bersiar-siar. As usual, nothing much.. Plenty of candy on the street. Just non for the eyes.. well, mine anyways :(... Then, Don brought us to this cafe.. urm.. Calathe Art Cafe if i'm not mistaken the name.. Serves coffee!! So many different kinds of coffee in fact.. 1 page of their menu has 13 different blends, for the 13 different states in our country (not surprising, they named each one after each state) !! Then got all kind of other types, got ur regular ones : espresso, double shot espresso, cappuccino, latte, etc ; the ice blended range, smoothies (chendol smoothie oso got!), and special coffee blends. I feel like trying everything on the menu weh!! But i think got at least 50 kinds of drinks so... it might take some time ><~ . Oh, there was even coffee served with alcohol, 1 is with Bailey's (which i usually make at home) and another with mint liquor. Coffee Bean and Starbucks can eat the dust d!! Price also cheaper.. I saw cakes in the fridge.. no more stomach to try though.. quite full d. They do have food and finger food which looks yummy.. *slurp*..
Yeah, finally get to add another place in my list of places tat can bring friends to yum cha at nite. Now if only got live band.. hmmm.. hehehe.. Oh, finally got to play futsal again yesterday with the malacca kaki :D. Too bad Jo is still out injured.. aiyo.. kesian... Somehow, playing here and in KL really got difference la.. Tend to take more shots there then here. Well, good thing bout it is i can improve my shot accuracy n power :D
Weather has been bloody hot lately... gonna take another shower now.. at 230 am.. GG...
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Lelaki Labah-labah 3
Well, for once, that wasn't the malay translation of the title. In fact, to my surprise, there wasn't any. Think they must've noticed the public criticizing them for the pathetic translation. Anyways, went to watch Spiderman 3 with May, Law, Howe, Jac n Sumi.
It wasn't that bad. I think overall, can give 7-8/10 la. Special effects was cool. Especially how they did Sandman. Although i was waiting for Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' to be played when he muncul but it never did :(. Hmmm... Venom was cool as well.. but the way he got beaten was a bit disappointing la. Luckily Parker studies physics eh?? Oh, Gwen Stacy seriously reminds me of Gwen Stefani. Dah le share same first name, both platinum blonde summore. Its really worth the watch if u ask me la. Its suppose to be The most anticipated movie of the year.
After that, all of us went to play pool.. may did after i tempt her (but to be honest, i think she also wan la :p). N after that, went yum cha + don n law's girl - sumi @ sum place near ixora (not d same as d other day).
And now, i feel like sleeping d. Wanted to watch 1 season of Grey's Anatomy b4 i go sleep.. but too tired d. Oh Heroes starting to get damn exciting man!! Peter is so powerful.. Sylar is more deceiving thn ever, Claire has black hair and Hiro is well.. cooler thn Hiro :P
Rite.. lack of O2 to the brain d... better go sleep.. -.-
It wasn't that bad. I think overall, can give 7-8/10 la. Special effects was cool. Especially how they did Sandman. Although i was waiting for Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' to be played when he muncul but it never did :(. Hmmm... Venom was cool as well.. but the way he got beaten was a bit disappointing la. Luckily Parker studies physics eh?? Oh, Gwen Stacy seriously reminds me of Gwen Stefani. Dah le share same first name, both platinum blonde summore. Its really worth the watch if u ask me la. Its suppose to be The most anticipated movie of the year.
After that, all of us went to play pool.. may did after i tempt her (but to be honest, i think she also wan la :p). N after that, went yum cha + don n law's girl - sumi @ sum place near ixora (not d same as d other day).
And now, i feel like sleeping d. Wanted to watch 1 season of Grey's Anatomy b4 i go sleep.. but too tired d. Oh Heroes starting to get damn exciting man!! Peter is so powerful.. Sylar is more deceiving thn ever, Claire has black hair and Hiro is well.. cooler thn Hiro :P
Rite.. lack of O2 to the brain d... better go sleep.. -.-
Friday, May 04, 2007
fuh.. kena tag..
Since i'm so free n nice, i'll do this tag lar.. thanks yong *rolls eyes*
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Shi En
Birth Date: 26/01/86
Current status: Single and Available *winks*.
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty.
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Hainanese
Your Fears: Being all by myself (queues the Celine Dion song)
Your Weakness: giggles
Your Perfect Pizza: Meat, meat, n more meat!! oh, mozzarella and pineapples too!
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Was it a nightmare?? :(
Your Bedtime: 4-5am
Your Most Missed Memory: High school (except the learning from teachers part) :P
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Vanilla Coke!
McDonald's or Burger King: Prosperity Beef Fold-over! McD's FTW!
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Nike.
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Strawberry
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: nope.
Curse: yes, and i'm trying to cut down okkkkk
Take a shower: like duh~
Have a crush: got... Jessica Alba :}~~~
Think you've been in love: I think so >.o
Go to school: School was a distant memory..
Want to get married: If i find The One
Believe in yourself: Yes
Think you're a health freak: I need to lose weight!! yet i'm eating maggi goreng when i go out yum cha at nite.. -.-''
Layer Six: In The Past Month
Drank alcohol: Yeah
Gone to the mall: yeah
Been on stage: Nope..
Eaten sushi: Yesh!
Dyed your hair: Nope... never did..
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: No wor :(
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Ppl who know me know the answer to this
Layer Eight: Age You're Hoping
To Be Married: Before 30.. gonna get a vietnam wife if i go beyond that hahahaha..
For a Kid(i assume) : Before 35?? O.o
Layer Nine: In a Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour: Green or Blue.. can get mesmerized dazing into em
Best Hair Colour: Natural
Short Hair or Long Hair: In between :P
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Changing songs on my Winamp
1 Hour Ago: Playin pool with lawrance
4.5 Hours Ago: Lim teh with Leo, Law n Su ling
1 Month Ago: Probably playing football manager
1 Year Ago: Probably blogging
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: girls!
I Feel: sad (cos united lost to milan) :'(
I Hate: exams
I Hide: my money in a secret place :x
I Miss: jamming
I Need: a girlfriend
Layer Twelve: Tag Five People
1) Kat (proud not, number 1!)
2) Leo
3) Jac (yes, this man-eater's blog is alive!)
4) Steph
5) May
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Shi En
Birth Date: 26/01/86
Current status: Single and Available *winks*.
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty.
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Hainanese
Your Fears: Being all by myself (queues the Celine Dion song)
Your Weakness: giggles
Your Perfect Pizza: Meat, meat, n more meat!! oh, mozzarella and pineapples too!
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Was it a nightmare?? :(
Your Bedtime: 4-5am
Your Most Missed Memory: High school (except the learning from teachers part) :P
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Vanilla Coke!
McDonald's or Burger King: Prosperity Beef Fold-over! McD's FTW!
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Nike.
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Strawberry
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: nope.
Curse: yes, and i'm trying to cut down okkkkk
Take a shower: like duh~
Have a crush: got... Jessica Alba :}~~~
Think you've been in love: I think so >.o
Go to school: School was a distant memory..
Want to get married: If i find The One
Believe in yourself: Yes
Think you're a health freak: I need to lose weight!! yet i'm eating maggi goreng when i go out yum cha at nite.. -.-''
Layer Six: In The Past Month
Drank alcohol: Yeah
Gone to the mall: yeah
Been on stage: Nope..
Eaten sushi: Yesh!
Dyed your hair: Nope... never did..
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: No wor :(
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Ppl who know me know the answer to this
Layer Eight: Age You're Hoping
To Be Married: Before 30.. gonna get a vietnam wife if i go beyond that hahahaha..
For a Kid(i assume) : Before 35?? O.o
Layer Nine: In a Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour: Green or Blue.. can get mesmerized dazing into em
Best Hair Colour: Natural
Short Hair or Long Hair: In between :P
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Changing songs on my Winamp
1 Hour Ago: Playin pool with lawrance
4.5 Hours Ago: Lim teh with Leo, Law n Su ling
1 Month Ago: Probably playing football manager
1 Year Ago: Probably blogging
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: girls!
I Feel: sad (cos united lost to milan) :'(
I Hate: exams
I Hide: my money in a secret place :x
I Miss: jamming
I Need: a girlfriend
Layer Twelve: Tag Five People
1) Kat (proud not, number 1!)
2) Leo
3) Jac (yes, this man-eater's blog is alive!)
4) Steph
5) May
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Played my guitar using the blue pick till it chipped off.. The black one behind is to show how much has been chipped off. Ganas eh..
Yay... finally.. finish my second year d (again..)!! And hopefully, this time i'll pass all.. fingers crossed.. though d last paper was tough. Ah well, whats done is done, no point looking back rite?
I'm back in malacca already. So if ya'll wanna play pool, lim teh, play mah jong, watch movie, call me la eh :D. Wonder how will i be spending this holidays. Hmm.. need to get my electric guitar repaired. No sound come out d. Plus my sis took my classical one down to Singapore. Haiz.. come out money again.. -.-''
Went to Jac's house yesterday to play mah jong together with may and the bf (howe). Poor jac, confident that she could win our money. In the end... hmmm.. i don't wanna say, later kena pukul :P. And just came back from yum cha session with Jac, Leo, Don n Ho Chun at this place near MMU Ixora there. Sorry la, i forgot the name d. But what i do know is, the cappuccino sucks !! Fuck, it taste like the one u buy in the packet from supermarket. Whats worse, it has no froth at all!! Imagine, cappuccino with no froth, thats like Root beer float with out the ice cream! wtf.. 4 freaking bucks summore.. feel like complainin but oh well.. Oh, had the live performance thing like in Wings, and like Wings, it was in chinese -.-''.. Bummer..
Somehow from what i've observed in Malacca rite, the live performances are 1) Chinese songs by young people singing the new hits ( i think ) or 2) English songs being sang by people old enough to be my dad. The songs they sing also equally as old. Is there any place like this place in Ixora and Wings that play english songs?? If not, next time, i'll open a place that does just that :D
Hmmmm.. guess theres nothing much else to say eh.. wanna go watch tv. United match starting soon.. Arriverdeci (hope spellin is rite) Milan!! >:)
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