Saturday, May 26, 2007

26.05.07 - Busy busy ....

Seems like i've not updated my blog for nearly a week now. Sorry for dat la eh. The reason was i was quite busy and damn tired during past week, that i really got no semangat wanna go to the cc. Was actually helping out with this college event thing, something like prom night, but with a beauty pagent/talent show in it. So i + a number of others helped out by 'looking' and 'interviewing' potential candidates for the thing.

So on the first day, a few of us had to walk under the blazing sun and hand out flyers to those freshman (yea, it was orientation week for them) who we think are good enough ( IOW, pretty or handsome enough la :P). Well, i have to say, after all the dissing about the kinds of girls in my college, i am still left to be stand corrected. Can say out of 10 girls (i dont look at guys k :P), 5 are the 'seafood' dressed type from head to toe, 3 are the chinese ed kind but not 'seafood-ish' but still can see the way the dress is 'different' like trying too hard ya know.. and a rare 1-2 are the kind who i think is my type hahaha.. Serious weh, even the other crew members who worked last year also say this year's quality merosot.. sad sad...

But then, since we had a job to do, terpaksa la we go jalan n cari ppl. Although actually, we only scouted for ppl around the canteen. Didn't bother to go any further cos one way or another, they will end up there. Then after about an hour or 2 under the heated sun, we decided to help out in the interview room. Well, the interview isn't as glamerous as u'd think. We are not Randy, Paula or Simon, more like the ones who takes down their details before they go for auditions. Ahhh... at least got air-con... But i think this was the best part la, get to interview the contestants and mingle with them later on. So many kinds of ppl in my college weh, from the friendly to the shy to the close-to-nervous-breakdown to the down right obnoxious oso got. Oddly enough, out of so many freshmen (<-- no such word as freshwomen?) i interviewed , only 1 fella came from malacca. That also he SFI student.. My x school ppl tak minat Tar college eh? Smart choice maybe la.

Second day was more of the same except this time, we refused to go down and hand out flyers. Instead, we just waited for them to come to us :D. The really sad thing was, after awhile, when there weren't any more ppl coming to audition, it can get very very boring.. Like watching paint dry kind of boring. Borak with the other crew members helped la, but one can only talk for so much 2 each other for a day rite? We couldn't wait to hear the words 'sao gong' from the judges as it ment that no one else gets in on dat day. But the thing i notice is, from first day to the forth day, the time that we 'pang kang' is later n later.. shouldn't it be the other way? O.o

I think i know why... the ones who got chosen during the first auditions (3 in total) come back for the seconds. And in typical malaysian fashion, when we called and asked who wants to go next, no one stood up. Everyone was waiting for everyone else to go. There were some who came at the start of the auditions, but only went for their second audition nearing the end. Almost everyone gave the same excuse, scared la, not ready la, if i had a dollar for everytime i heard that... But one thing is for sure la, as the ones coming for first audition became less and more of them are there for call-backs, can really see the 'cream' of the freshmen who bothered to come.

By the third day, we were only layan-ing call-backs and those first ones who we think are worth it. Like i said, can really see the difference. On that day, we had more time to chat, mingle and well just make friends with them. It may seem funny, but sumhow, wearing a tag that says 'Crew' really makes it easier to talk to them (esp the hot/pretty/cute ones :D). Don't see me walking around saying 'how ya doin' to every girl that passes by on a normal day rite? Ah well, i was on duty so didn't feel like i needed to get their number or email or wat not. That day will come next time la. hahaha..

So, by the end of yesterday, the dust had settled, our job is over for now. Was really fun again.. made new peeps, both from the freshmen and fellow crew members. I duno if its stereotype or wat, but people from the mass com/business courses are easier to chat n make friends with. Ppl, from my course seem like they got gold in their mouth. I think studyin engineering there for so long is making me turn into one slowly.. nooooo~~~ .. Need more friends outside of the School of Technology.. arrrhh.. Speaking of which, classes start next week. DAmn.. results will out soon as well.... if i pass, can sambung, if i don't .. well, i dont know .. see how la. :P

Oh, besides that, i've already watched Shrek 3 , thanks to special preview tickets from a friend. Totally rocks!! Ya'll should really go see (although i do think shrek 2 is funnier). But i haven't seen pirates yet.. :(.. Oh, been watching earlier episodes of Scrubs, and u know wat, the guy tat plays Hiro Nakamura had a few cameos as a pharmasist!! Speaking of Heroes, need to go get from friend soon.. >.< And oh, can't come back this weekend... maybe next week la eh