Played my guitar using the blue pick till it chipped off.. The black one behind is to show how much has been chipped off. Ganas eh..
Yay... finally.. finish my second year d (again..)!! And hopefully, this time i'll pass all.. fingers crossed.. though d last paper was tough. Ah well, whats done is done, no point looking back rite?
I'm back in malacca already. So if ya'll wanna play pool, lim teh, play mah jong, watch movie, call me la eh :D. Wonder how will i be spending this holidays. Hmm.. need to get my electric guitar repaired. No sound come out d. Plus my sis took my classical one down to Singapore. Haiz.. come out money again.. -.-''
Went to Jac's house yesterday to play mah jong together with may and the bf (howe). Poor jac, confident that she could win our money. In the end... hmmm.. i don't wanna say, later kena pukul :P. And just came back from yum cha session with Jac, Leo, Don n Ho Chun at this place near MMU Ixora there. Sorry la, i forgot the name d. But what i do know is, the cappuccino sucks !! Fuck, it taste like the one u buy in the packet from supermarket. Whats worse, it has no froth at all!! Imagine, cappuccino with no froth, thats like Root beer float with out the ice cream! wtf.. 4 freaking bucks summore.. feel like complainin but oh well.. Oh, had the live performance thing like in Wings, and like Wings, it was in chinese -.-''.. Bummer..
Somehow from what i've observed in Malacca rite, the live performances are 1) Chinese songs by young people singing the new hits ( i think ) or 2) English songs being sang by people old enough to be my dad. The songs they sing also equally as old. Is there any place like this place in Ixora and Wings that play english songs?? If not, next time, i'll open a place that does just that :D
Hmmmm.. guess theres nothing much else to say eh.. wanna go watch tv. United match starting soon.. Arriverdeci (hope spellin is rite) Milan!! >:)