Sunday, October 16, 2005

Well, they say u've never experience kl until u've experienced its weather rite?? or was it the traffic jam.. anyways, went to mid valley wif the guys from my block to watch some cantonese show by andy lau (see, i've broaden my perspective on things),' wait till ur older ' .. the show wasnt that bad.. but wasnt worth my 11 bucks if u ask me.. and i feel sorry for the girl in the movie, v pretty, but kinda sad end 4 her...

anyways the weather was freekin hot when we left, as in was sweating even in the car on the way to the lrt. .. once we were there, i noticed that mid valley had sprouted a few new shops.. one of which was a new guitar shop.. right beside the McD near GSC there, damn impressive... from the outside.. cos i didnt get to go in :(, being wif this bunch of ppl... and saw some nice shirts at tropicana.. and 3pointsix. i think i'll go there again sometime soon alone.. maybe next weekend or wat. n just jln jln.. really wanna check out that guitar shop, cos thinkin of getting a new acoustic guitar..hehe.. my sis kononnyer wanna start guitar lessons , so i guess i'll give her my classical one n get meself a new 1 hhaha..

anyways, basicly wat we did at the mall was just movie, lunch, jlan abit, n balik.. and whn we arrived back at wangsa, thats near my college around 5 pm, it started to rain heavy giler. noted that it was still bright n shiny whn we got oout of mid valley bout half n hour earlier. luckly my fren has a car. so that part selamat la... but the rain got so heavy that it tripped the electric in my hostel bloc..damn.. its always my block.. and the rain was stil too heavy to call the guard to switch it on again.. so had no choice but to sleep.. wanted to on9, but the freakin server got shut down.. due to the thunder storm.

by the time i woke up it was nearly 8... power was back on , thank god 4 that, and it just drizzled lightly. but the freakin thing was the net was down. damn tu lan sial.. it was down till about 11 pm.. thn finally la can on9.. n luckly too.. oh.. theres alot of things being broken in my hostel la, just feel like tellin off the management one of these days .. lets see, water dispenser rosak la, shower head hilang la, toilet lock rosakla.. my god.. the things that go wrong here.. un fuckin believeable..

dunno la, i aslo lemah d.. wanna go sleep 1st.. might go watch footie later.. see how la..