Saturday, September 29, 2007

Its Been 1 Week..

1 week since (well, almost) since i've came back home for the holidays. Over the past one week, i've been doin nothing more than eating, watching tv, going online and playing pool. Seriously, its been like this almost every other day. Of cos there are the phone calls and smses to my dear which keeps me sane. I'd go totally mental if i don't have any contact with her weh.. haha.

Well, just came back from the movie 'Hairspray' with siang , jo, drew and jac (yes jac, entah sesat mana dia datang.. haha). I have to say, for someone like me who totally dislikes The Sound of Music nor find anything nice bout High Skol Musical, this movie was pretty good weh. I think the key was they didn't go overboard with all the dancing and all. Kept it pretty realistic and entertaining la. Even jo also agreed it was entertaining. So definitely a show worth watching if u ask me. Only thing i keep wondering bout musicals like this : do the actors/actresses really sing in their own voice? If so, Michelle Pfeiffer really can sing well!

On another note, one more week till school starts... another week till i get to see my baby again.. wait, i'll be seeing her sooner than that i hope. Oh, new season of Heroes started already!!!... Gonna grab it from jo tomorrow before heading of to play pool again! haha.. yes, i have no life. What to do, i'm on holidays wat. And there will be ho chun's birthday party to attend to later on tomorrow nite with MU having a late game. hmmm... hopefully i can get back before kick off!

Well, guess dats another short entry for today. Here without my dear. Missing her loads >.<