Guess who's going to see Slash...
Anyways, DonN and me went to Tropicana Mall to buy Slash tickets for his show/gig/concert in August. Who is Slash? Well, if you for some unexplainable reason don't know who this one time member of Guns 'n Roses is, go shoot urself... or better yet, go Wiki la... The term 'guitar god' rightfully suits this guy and he's probably the only person cool enough to pull of a top hat look. Oh he's in town to promote his new album which really rocks as well as playing some tunes from his Gn'R days. Can't wait...
One creative menu... wonder how big is the boss...
Well before we bought the tickets, DonN introduced a pork burger to me with a rather intriguing name... Its called, and I kid you not, Ninja Joe's Pork Burger. Now the first thing that came into my mind wasn't the name of the joint but the fact that there is actually a pork burger joint in a mall (I'm sure you catch my drift as to why). Anyways, what's even more interesting is the menu they have. Really cracked me open with laughter weh.
The ninja hut...
Ninja Joe is not what I would call a gourmet burger but at RM5.50 a ninja, it isn't exactly cheap like those burgers outside 7E. Since it is a pork burger, I was all too keen to try it. It actually is really a pretty simple burger with the size slightly bigger than the failed Colonel Burger @ KFC with just lettuce, a slice of tomato, the pork patty and a sauce of your choice. Guess its to go with the whole ninja thing of being light and minimal.
Sometimes, less really is more...
The verdict? Probably the best burger under 10 bucks for me. The meat was juicy and packed with flavour and they used a sweet bun and it matched rather well. I have to say, it is even better than a McChicken and a Fillet o' Fish. So if you happen to find yourself in Tropicana Mall, do try this burger... Won't regret wan I promise!