'Where'd you go, i miss you so!'. Well, thats how i've been feeling lately, about what u may ask, well, its none other than.. the weekends! I dont know, maybe its just me, but somehow, sunday nights seem to arrive so fast for me these few weeks, for 1 moment, i was finishin my week on thursday, and now i am here on a sunday night, figuring where did the weekend go? >.< gosh.. i have no idea.
Hmm, lets see, this weekend, what did i do? Oh, manage to finally play futsal after months and i mean months of not playin futsal. How i missed it, puttin d ball in d back of the net beyond n grasp of d helpless keeper. haha.. First time playin with these bunch of fellas, at a court near wangsa square food court. Pretty decent court, better then the one in genting klang for sure. hah.. and havin curry chicken for lunch a couple of hours earlier surely didnt help my cause at all. Could feel d spiciness churnin in my guts.! haha. cis.. clearly unfit >.< .
And not to mention, the night b4, barely got any sleep. Why? lets see my hostel mates were playin mah jong in my room again. Yeap, mah jong, again! haha.. and this time, they started at 3 am and finished at around 830. Note: i dont know how to play, i was merely supplyin them wit the room and i was bz on9 chattin n doin my own stuff. Well, after they packed n went to bed, i tot finally i could get sum sleep b4 going for futsal, but nooooo. The stupid hostel management had to conduct room checkin on that day (that day being friday),at that time.. so thinkin that they'ed check the ground floor first, i decieded not to sleep, cos once i do, i dont want to be woken up against my own will. So wait i did.. and wait..... and wait.. thn whn i looked out of my room, i could hear them on d top floor knockin on heaven's students door and sayin " Good mornin, room chekin" . I was like Walao, can do ground floor 1st tak nak.. must go 1st.. cis... so by the time they finally came, it was like 10 am liao. So only manage to sleep thn and woke up at 2pm for lunch. >.<
Was so tired that nite that i KOed at 1230.. a record for me this year.. first time sleepin so early! whahaha.. And i only woke up at 1pm the next day! Wow. hmm.. guess there went my weekend. Haiz. other thn that, guess got nuthin much else. The weeks been pretty same, oh bought another jersey tis week. Brazil's latest nike kit! haha.. my 2nd after Barcelona home jersey :P. Cis this month spent alot lo. Gotta cut down liao. Summore have to pay money for my resit papers >.<.
On another note, told my parents that i wouldnt be able to continue with my advance this year, and surprisingly they didnt show d slightest point of anger or dissapointment. They just said, "1 year is not a long time, go and work and study hard lo" . Well, i knew for sure they were dissapointed la. But wat to do, shit happens rite. And thankfully, they handled it (in my eyes) well. Next up is to plan wat to do. That can wait till another time.. soon , after my exams.. i guess.
Now back to wonderin where did my weekend go... hmm
Wasei, was readin true someones blog, and suddenly i've noticed that i've been tagged. AGAIN!.haha. not by d same person, but still ... Oh well, here it goes :
How many schools did I go to?
Lets see, 1 primary, 1 secondary, n now 1 college. Not to mention 2 kindergartens :P.
Was I the studious nerd, or the last minute hero?
Definatly the Hero Of The Day la. Imagine me being a studious nerd *imagining..* wahahahaha..rite. like thats ever gonna happen. :P
Was I the class ‘taiko’ or the teacher’s pet?
Hmm... neither i guess. Maybe abit of d taiko role, but i usually keep my works underwraps :X
What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
Hmm... i've broken some high profile rules (IMHO). But have never been cought!! What are they?Well, for me to know, for u to errr.. wonder XD . 1 of which had to do wit d words P-O-N-T-E-N-G.
Three subjects I enjoyed.
Hmm.. simple: PA - 99% football , need i explain more? ; English - 99% walk in d park, wit d current english in schools, should it be any less? ; and err.. Thermodynamics n Heat Bodies (sumthin liddat) - juz facinates me..
Three teachers that inspired me.
Do i have to think of three?? I can only remember errrr... Mr Sasi. Super cool teacher :P . Oh and Mok Meng aka mrs... low and mr albert . Those 2 inspire me to NOT be like them whn i grow up XD
People I tag:
Lynnie, Stacey, Wei nie, Khai Lip, Leo, Su ling, Dee, Steffie
Well, after the last post which was kinda emo, i think i've returned back to my normal state. Phew, and come what may, i think i will wait 1 yr even if i have to. Lets just hope my parents agree. Anyways, its 630 am now, dont think i'll sleep till i get back to malacca, got a 10 am bus to catch, and i havent packed stuff back to wash yet :P .. ohh and i finally manage to find sum pics from d hitz b'day bash. And from wat i saw frm thier website.. kinda dissapointed la.. only got 3-4 pics of me in it.. >.< .. yong hwee n leo got i think 9 (accordin to y.hwee) . anyways, here are what i have :
1 for d album.. all of d hitz.fm dj's
The gals n I wit serena C. Isn't she kinda hot? :P
The gals n i wit DJ Pietro
1 with the rest of d crew.. lucky can see me :P
Yes yes, only 4 that are worth putting up >.< .. will try to get more from yong hwee or leo or sumbody larr... >.< .. its times like tis that i feel like i need to own my own digi cam :P
p/s : regardin d comments from d previous post.. im sorry i ever doubted u guys. was stupid of me to question our friendship huh. haha.. gomenasai~~ :P
Arrrghh... its nearly 5 am and i still cant sleep. And im suppose to have a 9am class later today. Usually, by this time, i should be fast asleep, but dunno why, it aint seem to be happenin today. Guess maybe theres too much running through my mind. No, it doesnt concern girl problems, cos frankly, aint got no girl to have a problem with in the first place. I think actually, im just messed uped about my future as a whole. >.<
I dont know la, ever since my last sem's results came back, my mind seems to be in turmoil. As far as it looks for now, i'm sure i'll have to wait/waste 1 year of my life just to resit the papers. Now this is where my brain n mind starts to take a plunge, so many factors are running tru me, what am i gonna do, wat am i goona be, and most importantly, what am i gonna tell my parents. I've always tried to shut out the guilt of lettin thm down, cos sumhow i am my own worst enemy whn it comes to studies, and they have said so many times " if u have any problems, just talk to us". And the thing is, i dont know wat my problem is. Sure, i think after i tell thm tht im gonna flunk, they will get pissed, dissapointed, the whole nine yards.. but they will forgive me rite? rite? After all, i am still thier flesh n blood.. And thats where the guilt sets in for me. I dont know how to break the news to them.. and eventualy whn they do find out, i'll be lost of words for reasons that plotted my downfall.I just dont like to talk about me failin.. I dont know how much more can i depend on thm wit my concious drivin me nuts.. I have dissapointed them b4, and therefore i cant bare to do it again to them.. but thn, guess i already have.. Shit.. feel so useless rite now.
Now, next on my mind was , lets say i still wanna continue doin what im studyin, and i have to wait a year, what do i want to do during the mean time? Work? i dont know, most likely, but i cant take a full time job as i still have to revise on my subjects and go up to KL to resit for my papers. Maybe a part time job? Or the next thought that came to mind was to work part time in kl, so i'll still be near to college and i can still work, which is not wastin time, but will my parents support my idea? Factors to consider include where do i stay, what job i'm gonna apply, and are they gonna support me finacially.. Then next, to be a bum at home.... which obviously isnt the right thing to do, but that's wat i'll see myself most likely doin -.- .
Then in the twist of irony as life always is, i begin to ponder whether this is really what i wanna do. Counting stuff all day, seeing numbers for the rest of my life, havin a 'boring' but lucrative job. Dont get me wrong, there are certian subjects i enjoy and find interestin like Thermodynamics and Fluid mechanics.. but it does make me wonder, am i cut out for tis? issit really what i want? There is this small dream of mine to be famous via tv/show business, whether its behind the camera or infront of it. You know, that time whn i was at d Hitz b'day bash, i noticed that the ppl workin there, ie the dj's, vj's , performers, are really enjoyin what they do. I may not know how much they make, but it certianly is less thn a lets say qualified engineer, but thn, the joy n fun of havin ppl recognizin u, acknowlaging ur work, and juz making the ppl happy, makes me think : "hmmm.. thats wat i wanna do" . But then, i'll have to start from scratch again.. wastin 2 yrs of studyin sumthin totally different. Oh well, thats juz a side thought... but given my situation, i might think of it.. just might... a minute thing.. But who knows.. -.-.
Then another thing was, what about ppl other thn my parents? what about my uncles n aunts? what about my cousin? and most importantly, what about my friends? What will they think of me when they find out that i'm a failure?? For those who are readin this, u have a head start on knowin my fate.. Will they look at me 1 kind.. and say sumthin in the lines of "tis fella ar, waste parents money, play so much, duno how to study, haiz" or will sum of my friends cast a bad image on me? I might be a lil paranoid on this, but i cant help but wonder. To some , i'm like this smart fella who can study, can play. But after this, i dont know where i stand, i dont even know if i can show my face to them again.. sum how i doubt my muka tebalness can even get me tru this.. I think those who are really close to me will still give me support n treat me the same, well thats what i hope will happen, but what about those i've just met but still consider thm as friends?
FYI, i've made alot of net frens in d past few months, and to be honest, i really do feel some of em are real friends and not juz some1 on the other side of the line, typin away. Reasons being, i kinda got to know thm better, shared thoughts n comments on stuff, mostly like wat normal friends do except the meetin face2face stuff, i noe some might think, they are juz net friends.. why bother.. well, they do bother to me.... -.-..which leaves me, what will they think of me? And seeing that if i do go back to malacca to rott for a yr, certianly i wont be able to be on9 everytime, cos im using dial up.. so needless to say, friendships are gonnna get strained. >.< ... i know that this whole internet thing should be the last thing on my mind, but hey, this is who i am, and the net is part, well, kinda big part of my life. I think i'll write an apology entry to all d ppl i've dissapointed or make myself shy towards next time... as for now, im stuck..
Haiz... also duno what im typin anymore.. its 540am, still aint feel like im goin to sleep. -.- . Guess this feeling of guilt, uncertianty, sadness and worriness (if theres such a word) will lead to me being depressed for sometime.. how long? i dont bloody know -.-, maybe till i settle things wit ppl involved first. Only brightside i can see from this is that, it could've been worse, as in , for 1 example, i could be attached now, and how am i gonna break the news to her that i'm flunkin.. what will she do? will she still want me? haha.. guess i'll never know, and amen to that. That would really drop me to clinical depression -.-. But as for now, i'll try to sleep over it, if i can, and not to worry too much.. again if i can. Ah fuck.. who am i kiddin.. i might be ok for the next few days, but i can see a dark cloud loomin above my horizon.. thn i'll start to feel really like shit. haiz.... what will be of me ... dont know if i can sleep.. have to wake up at 830 and its nearly 6... >.<>
Wow, what a weekend. And what a way to get ready for a brand new sem. Was at d hitz.fm 9th birtday bash held in where else in sleepy malacca but mahkota parade. As soon as word got out that the Hitz.fm party will be held in malacca, i knew by hook or by crook, i HAD to go.. no matter what. As you all already know, theres not much that goes on in this sleepy town -.- . So why miss this chance to be at some place happening rite?
Lets see, the party started at 3pm, but i arrived half n hour later. And sadly, i missed n 1st performance by d K-Town Clan. Damn, heard they really crunked it up :P . But surprisingly, when i reached d stage area, there wasnt as many ppl as i thought there'd be. Maybe cos its about 330pm and d weather was blazin hot. But on d contrary.. the weather on that day was superb, a few blazin sun moments.. but overall a cool and windy day. Perfect for a concert rite. Was suppose to meet up wit leo, y.hwee n prash. But thx to Leo's sense of directing ppl ( :P), only manage to find them after bout 20 mins. But i have to say, they got d best place in d house. Rite in front , at the center! and clearly it was d best, manage to take pics wit alot of d hitz.fm djs n vjs , among em, Ean, pheatro, Serena C, and 1 wit d whole gang!!. Have to wait for y.hwee to send me d pics, then i'll post em here 4 sure ;) . Hmm.. saw drew there, wif a girl... o_O.. wonder who was that :P. Actually, saw a lot of familiar faces as well.
After K-Town Clan was the winners of the band category for Blastoff 2 : Jiaja. I must say, the lead guitarist plays a mean solo. haha.. really chun. Can see that his main influence is Jimi Hendrix. They played a couple of songs. Dont know if there were any original ones but overall a solid performance. Next up if i'm not mistaken was the best group of blast off 2, Ruffedge, which IMHO, was only a so so performance, nuthin special la. But next up was d Frequency Cannon, blastoff 1 winners, and their songs were all rockin and orginal. Kudos to them. The lead singer, Kuaci (some ppl used to call me by that -.-) was a funny person. Wonder where he bought his Happy Tree Friends Tshirt. I so wanna get a couple of those. Performin next was a collaboration of Liang (thats how i heard they said his name.. and no.. its not eu liang) and Sameer (sorry if i spelt any names worng la). Pretty interestin.. not bad la. But was payin more attention to d backup dancers on stage. Yummy~~ :D~~.. ahhahaaha. After that they had DJ Sycko G spinnin d trax for quite some time. by then i think it was already 5-6 pm. How time flies whn ur havin fun eh.
Manage to take more pics wit d dj's but i have to say, wat drew the attention and noises from d crowds was d freebies thrown(literally) by the crew to d crowd. Sadly, all i got was 1 t-shirt.. but i aint complainin la. :P . Hmm.. there were games being held there as well, saw shahira on stage wit her bro .. valient effort.. close, but no cigar :P . 2 girls manage to win a skateboard autographed by P.O.D. Imagine.. 2 girls, wit a skateboard, probably worth thousands... -.- the envy... i think that was it for d afternoon session. Had a dinner break, but we didnt move at all from our spot, well at least not me n leo, haha.. y.hwee and prash went to get 'dinner'. Su Ling joint us later on. Hmmm.. saw may pin aslo, but entah why, she hilang after that. but after askin her.. found out she had transport problems. haha. kesian, cos d best part of d party was definatly after dinner time. Hmm... All the blastoff winners of season 1 n 2 performed again. Finally got to see K-Town Clan in action. and boy i wasnt dissapointed at all. They really know how to bring d house down. And to think they're only around my age.. shit.. wtf am i doin here -.-..
The 1st BIG performer was Pop Shuvit.Honestly , i dont really know much about em, but they did give a solid performance. got d crowd jumpin! cool.. Next up was Ferhad. This dude was definatly well built la. and he has a voice to go wit that bod of his. Sang a couple of his new songs. 'Threatend' (IMHO :P) the crowd that he was gonna perform a Mawi number. Hahha, could really hear d boo's ringing in d air.. Good , thats wat i wanted to hear anyway :P. Next up was d former member of The Moffatts.. boy, i really thought i was at a boy band concert.. all d girls screamin la. >.<~~ . ish.. After that it was Reshmonu's turn to take d stage. not a bad performence from him. But of all d artist performin, i really wanted to see J.Lo in action. Nono.. no jennifer lopez, but our very own Jason Lo. And i think he had d biggest crowd of d nite la. Almost everyone was singing to his songs.. and jumpin jumpin as usual. Haha. Ended his performance wit 'Rock N Roll' . Really catchy song. woohoo..
But then , as we all know, this is malaysia, and in this country, there are bound to be some wet blankets around. And in this case, it was those (i'm gettin racist here... so skip this paragraph if u dun wanna know) damn stupid Malays. Out of no where, a huge number of em showed up. Started jumpin around, takin thier shirts off and swirlin them around n d air. Not a big matter, but still, have some adiquete la. Stupid la, and they have to make some rude remarks on some of d artist as well -.- . Only good thing was they came nearly to d end of d show. Haiz.. guess this malaysian or should i say malay attidude will never go away. -.-
After J.Lo was club hitz live by Syko G, Jakeman, & Dj Skeletor . And after bout half n hour, me, leo n su ling decided to cabut from there la, was gettin kinda irritatin la. -.- . We decieded to go to 2.40 for supper. But to our surprise ( mine actually) it was FULL! . imagine, 2.40 , full at 12 am!.. who would've thought. Hahaha.. so juz went to d mamak at MITC for a snack. And was home by 1 am.
All in all, a gr8 day , ohh, did i mention that being at d front row, our faces were on d big screen alot. !! and certianly will come out on hitz.tv . only thing is whn and how much nia. so look out for that! . Even Su Lings mom said she saw us on TV that day 0_o.. haha.. Hmm.. there might be some details not included here, not bcos i dont want, but cos i cant really remember, was dead tired whn it all ended. imagine, standin for 8 hours straight!! ..haha.. not to mention d dancin n jumpin :P. haha..
Hope to attend d next B'day bash again nxt yr! but as for now, its back to college, back to life as i noe it. -.-.. dunno if got DotA tonite not.. -.-