Been wanting to buy a pair of shoes for so long already, went Malacca find takda, went Penang find takda, even went MidValley pun takda.. In the end, it was the shopping mall nearest to me that I found this :
Sweet ain't it? Original price was 299 but pleasantly surprising was I came on the last day of their sales. So I manage to get a 20% discount for that!! hahaha... awesome!! Its super comfy and super nice... even comes with another set of black laces so if I feel kinda funky, I can go all Micheal Jackson!
Well, at that point I haven't had anything to eat yet so was kinda hungry la.. Suggested Burger King but instead Ant said ' why not Chilli's? ' . And today was my first time eating there! The burger I had was nice la I suppose, but for the price I was paying, wouldn't expect any less.
And what a nicer way to wash it all down than with a nice cocktail. Had something called a Strawberry Daiquiri. Was kinda nice but kinda weak on the alcohol side though >.<
Anyways, feeling kinda tired now so gonna leave it short for here..