How far will Burnley go?
Well, in the next match we did beat Wigan quite easily 5-0 with Rooney getting his 100th and 101st United goals and MO7 finally opening his account for the Red Devils. Watching the match, I could've sworn Old Man Fergie put rockets up the players asses cos they were running non stop up and down the pitch, Berbatov included!!
The bigger surprise is Tottenham having more points in 3 games this season than in 10 games last season! And yes, they currently top the table! One wonders how Harry Redknapp manage to turn a bunch of lads who were the laughing stock of last season with keeper Gomes the head clown into serious title contenders by the looks of it this season. I am sure however Shebby Singh and Adam C are enjoying this moment.

Goal number 100... Keep em comin'...
At the opposite end of the spectrum is Liverpool. Ahhh Liverpool, as much as I want to be diplomatic bout it, I can't help but smile when they drop points during the season. Maybe its cos of the great United-Liverpool rivalry. Last season, out of 38 matches they only lost 2 games. This season, they have already loss 2 in 3 games! Just hours ago Aston Villa manage to punch in their first win of the season. No doubt Yong will be finding people to gloat at in his work place :P. Zhou, the signs are pretty clear eh?

Ya win some, Ya lose some...
But there are spoil sports that prefer to stick to the form book. I'm talking bout Chelsea and Arsenal. Looks like Ancelotti will be staying a bit longer than poor Scolari. And when I saw Gallas score again, the situation between Yong and Philip just popped into my mind. A silent 'lol' in my head if u will... :D.

Eto'o can't do this...
Further good news is that the Italian league just kicked off last weekend as well and the Spanish league will follow suit this weekend. Really looking forward to see how Zlatan performs and judging by the cup match yesterday, Eto'o won't be missed!
Ah right, I guess I'll stop with the football. On to other things, Operation Char Kueay Teow 3 (yes 3 .. not 2, not 1, 3!!!) is good to go barring a series of unfortunate events. As the saying goes, the best things come in 3's. And like Lord of The Rings, hopefully this time will be the best :). Going along with that, there will be a few changes from the last 2 trips we made.
I have dreams bout this...
Firstly, there will be new faces tagging along, some who missed the past 2 due to whatever reason. And due to that there will be 2 cars going up this time. Secondly would be a change in Hotels, after 2 stays in Gurney, this time we are staying in the heart of Food County @ McAllister Road. Thirdly, instead of the usual 4-5 days in Penang, this time round we will be there only for the long weekend. Yes Phang, August 31st falls on a MONDAY, that's when we celebrate our independence (though not entirely it has to be said) but on 30th August, we go to war!! Man Utd vs Arsenal will battle it out and we will be watching it in Penang!! Eh, any Penang kia reading this, mana pod MU ah??
And so far the current situation is this: the Malacca convoy will only leave on Saturday morning and will be meeting the KL convoy in Tapah a.k.a. Jambu Girl for Yong :P (there goes the plan to go Quarttro). And I assume that Zhou's car will be playing House and Trance music while Yong's will go for the more girly/whimpy/OMFG u call that music??? songs... I call dibs on zhous car when we reach Tapah k!!
Finally, it has been 2 years and a couple of days to the day that we've been an item. Through ups and downs (Thankfully more of the former), we managed to come this far. And I couldn't be any luckier to have you by my side. Love you baby!

2 down, many more to go...
Right, gotta get ready for class soon...