Thursday, December 03, 2009

It Went *Crrcck* *Crrcckk*...

That was the sound I heard when the dentist pulled out my wisdom tooth or should I say twisted it like it was lickerish with the sound of someone grounding nuts and yanked it out with two tries...

Who knew that the cause for my bottom gum to swell was because of my top wisdom tooth pressing on the gum. All this while I thought my bottom tooth was being the problem one.

Good news is, 1 week of pain and discomfort is finally over =D. Bad news is I probably have to go see him again in 2 weeks to massacre pull out the bottom one pending X-ray. And that's the one that's gonna be a bitch so I've heard. FML.

Think only PYH knew bout this and the fella can tell me summore why I come back to do when I can do in KL. I don't know how much it will cost in KL but back here, private clinic summore only cost me RM70 in total and that also I can claim from my mom :D.

Ah... can't seem to get Foo Fighters' 'A Cold Day In The Sun' and 'Everlong' out of my head!!! Not that I'm complaining though... ^^\m/