Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Once Bitten Twice Shy...

Well, that's the expression a normal person would do when being caught doing something bad. But apparently here in 1Malaysia, that just doesn't seem to apply. Remember this ?:

Notice the mentally disabled guy holding the cow on the left...

Well the same bunch of people are at it again...

Here he is again with the SAME outfit...

This is a retaliation to an incident where an opposition MP stepped on pictures of 3 BN pictures. 2 Malays and 1 CHINESE... So this mentally challenged people thought it would be a smart idea to do the same... With much more than just stepping on the faces...

'Peeing' or asking to 'suck dick'?

My main question is where is the police? RELA? Water cannons? Tear gas? It is after all IN FRONT of the Shah Alam court house. I seriously doubt these people even have permits to gather. What, they gonna tell the cops 'Nak apply permit untuk pijak muka MP PKR' ?

At least cows are more useful and smarter than this lot...

Seriously, if these are the kind of people who are fighting for malay rights, no wonder they can't progress any further then they already have. There must be more civilised ways to go about this matter. So can we call these people degil macam lembu?

Clearly 1Malaysia but 2 standards. If its any of the minority races that did this, by now they'd be hulled up by the ISA. Its not that I wanna bash these kinda people but when it's right there in the open served on a silver platter, how not to?