Thursday, December 29, 2005
2005: a look back
1)- my first self bought handphone- my v own nokia 7200.. classy , trendy, sexy..hahahaha.. but sadly has minimal functions nia... cost me bout 800+. but im happy wif its one of a kind
2)-first trip to d F1 GP in Sepang - wow, tis one really blowed me away... can still hear d ringing of those 20 f1 car's engines in my ears whn everythings silent. really enjoyed myself there.. had fantastic seats : at d grandstand bout 50 meters away from d start/finish line and wit a giant screen across d paddock on d roof. so didnt miss anything at all.. prices of things there were v steep... so didnt manage to get anything... but luckly d food was sponsored by my dads frens..hehe.. would luv to be there again next season!
3)- first airplane flight - doubted my virgin flight by lynnie..haha.. 'twas fun.. although was jus bout a 4-5 hour flight... not bad for econ class... had a full meal at 3am.. but thn again.. not a big surprise wit all d mamak outings rite... haha.. but 1 thing nice was free booze! .. and good ones as well... had 2 glasses of beer n 1 wine on d way to china n 2 beers on d way back.. and for wat was awaitin me in china.. those drinks really made my day!.. hehe..
4)- which brings me to my first trip to china- well, china wasnt as bad as i imagined.. i mean, the toilets were clean, d food was decent and d accomodation wasnt all that bad. and d weather there was perfect.. not cold enough to freeze and wear more thn 1 layer of clothes nor too hot enough to sweat.. serious.. walkin on d streets in d mid of noon, din even sweat a drop.. amazin! .. all in all , a very eye-openin trip. got 2 see lotsa things...
5)- my first acoustic guitar - just got tis baby a few weeks back. sounds pretty sweet but d strings are a lil higher above d fret board thn usual, gotta get used to it somehow.
6)- first time sleepin in d movies -yes yes... damn malu.. and it was star wars summore!! haha.. missed like 10 mins of d show.. y?? cos of d lack of sleep... played ps2 from 10 d previous nite.. till 10 am.. show was like 11am-12pm.. and b4 d ps2 marathon, went for futsal, at 9 and played football earlier at 6.. so , if tak tido pun bohong mia la.. hahaha..
7)- first pc fair - wow, wat a crowd.. lots n lotsa ppl.. many things to see n buy (if i had d cash).. 1st time i went wit d guys frm bck home.. spent nearly a day in there ( cant do d same for normal shoppin though >.<) . ended up buyin a tv card (which i cant use >:[ ) and some dvdrs/cdrs . but was lotsa fun.. second time i went was wit my cuzzies frm pj.. din buy anything, cos din hav d cash and wasnt lookin 4 anything in particular.. although, i did manage to try out d ipod nano... and boy was it sweet or what~~.. im so gonna get tht whn i have d cash. although my 1st priority would be a new harddisk,... oh well, next pc fair thn..
8)- first time watchin OC, OTH and DHW- boy, was i hooked on the oc and one tree hill or what.. at times i even dreamt i was in one of those places wif d ppl in as well!! haha..the babes on d show.. my my, wish i could have either one of em.. and i swear i'll luv and take care of em 4 d rest of my life..haha.. sometimes i wonder, why o why cant our lives be more open like d ppl there.. well, minus all d hate n anger n 2 timin bastards/bitches. haha.. have to say, i learn alot of thing from wathcin 2 season of oth n oc. seriously... both good and bad.. without them, i dont think i can give that good of advices or takin d rite steps in life tis year.. be prob fallin head over heel over every chun girl that i come in contact wif.. o_o..yes.. kinda scary huh.hahaha... jkjk..but thn again.. both those shows are just fiction rite? hav ta snap out of in and face d real world..
well, guess those are d most significant ones la. other thn tht, lets see...had plenty of DotA marathons.. and by marathons i mean 5-6 hours of stret dota.. i know.. a lil bit.. but considerd alot also la.. if its like 4-5 times a week!!..emm.. got to meet few new n interestin ppl tis year (shall not elaborate more cos nthn much actually)... guess i 've put on a few pounds due to d over eating on trips to china n frazers... hmm.. oh and of cos, ressurected my blog! well, not say ressurcted la.. but just decieded to blog cos cant keep stuff locked inside.. isnt healthy... haha... hmm.. played Dr. Luv on more thn 1 occasions tis year... and im happy to say things worked out well for my 'patients' ....rite???? hahaha.. but honestly, glad i could help ya'll.. and im sure if i were to be in those situations, u'd be there to lend a hand and an ear rite??
ohoh.... manage to get through tis year being single!! and no hearts were broken either by me or mine in d process!! . good thing... being in a relationship that issnt goin anywhere sure sux >.< ..which brings me to say tis : im happy being single but i wont hassitate to get back into a relationship if d right girl comes along... but thn frens around me are findin luv.. both in a good way n bad. feel sorry 4 d bad ones and happy 4 d good. hmmm.. one thing thats been d same year in n year out for d past 19 years is that i o ways dont have someone to spend feb14th wif ;( ... haha.. dunno why, seems like that particular date has been a curse towards me. wonder if 2006 might bring a change.... neah, not as far as i can see.. looks like another lonely feb 14th it will be again..hehehe.. unless somethings happen dramatically in d next 2 months... but thn, 1 thing i would look 4ward to 2006 is by far, the World Cup in Germany.. yes, cant wait til june, if u think im football mad now, wait till next summer!!.. ahhaha.. can remember we skipped tuition just to watch footbal match in '02 . been dumped cos of football in '02... oh well, note to self : if i dont have a girl by thn, dont bother lookin till d events over, if i do, have to think of some stratigic plannin 1 month b4 d event start.. cos it can get really strainius on a r'ship.. and not to mention d odd hours in d morn where d matches are being held.. but if things remain as they are now, i guess i'll be havin a gr8 time .. hehe. take my word: im rootin for brazil tis year.. if not aslo, england la.. m'sia??? hahahah. i think by the time i have grand kids aslo they wont quailify.. hehe... so, theres my 2005 in a nutshell and a lil bit of predictions for '06 . and as far as new years resolutions go, guess im not gonna make any cos 1) i wont do it, and 2) by the mid of d year, i wont even remember wat they are!!. haha.. so to ya'll out there have a great 06 and a happy new year u ya'll!! cheers!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
But luckly friday was a totally diffent feelin.. it was very hectic and yet a fun day. manage to play football, futsal, dota and yam cha all in a matter of less thn 10 hours!! haha.. come back from kl oni stret go padang.. and as usual, our team is out numbered by those malays there.. but no matter.. thn later on at 9, went 4 futsal, for bout n hour plus.. some how i feel playin futsal in malacca is less tiring thn playin here in kl... maybe its cos i dont run tat much back home.. hehehe... dunno cant be kot. Thn after tht went to Soon's house 4 dota.. huhu.. manage to pawn phang's ass... after all that trash talkin.. phang, u suck!!..hahaha... oh, manage to pawn j o as well, he looked damn tulan cos he had to use d laggy com. hehe..oh thax to dee no less.. 2v1 haha.. speakin of him, i think d brit influence hasnt rubbed off him yet.. doesnt even know any primeirship clubs staduim around him, and his livin in London.. must be at least 5 major clubs there.. 1 thing i notcied. he did get fairer.. dee, u look like some pale walkin corpes.. hehehe..jkjk. Anyway, after bout 4 hrs of dota, went to yam cha at mamak and at last got some shut eyes for bout 3 hours b4 goin off to frazers. O_O
hmm... thn later on today, as soon as i reach hostel oni, wats d 1st thing i hear? "shi en, dota join game, fai ti!" .... lemah sial... but ok la, since got nthin to do, might as welll. Thn later on, went down to petaling street cos fren wanted to change something pants he bought. so took tis chance to buy back my ticket back home tis week! and after that, decieded to drop by at mid valley cos another fren wanted to search for something.. mind u, it was oledi 9+ whn we reached there. stores were startin to close. so in d end, din manage to jalan that much. but kinda happy bout it cos i'm damn tired anyway. so in d end came back at around 11.. on9, unpack, and here i am... bloggin...
guess i need to get some sleep .. got damn stupid class at 9 later on.. sigh.. Xams are approachin and CNY is between thm , and my b'day most prob is an exam date.. fuck.. i hate being here... >.< .. stupid MCA... wanna pawn thier asses.!!!! oh, gonna complie a end-of-year review by d end of tis week.. gonna start thinkin wats been good and bad tis yr.. HMMMMM..
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
i've been a very good boy this year. hope u will grant me my wish list at d bottom. i tried to keep my wishes as reasonable as possible cos i know u got like billions of kids out there to give d prezzies to.. so here it goes ( and in no particular order) :
1. an iPod nano - got to try it at pc fair.. damn its cool
2. a 250GB SATA2 harddisk wif casing - my com got no more space due to all d music n games :(
3. more RAM - Need For Speed Most Wanted is laggy...
4. someone to make an external graphics card and i get d 1st issue - cant play F.E.A.R and quake 4
5. a digital camera - everyones havin one, why not me?
6. a nokia N90 - its a chun phone wif chun camera or a w900i would do ;)
7. a pair of Mercurial Vapor futsal boots - i wanna be like cool like Christiano
8. a TV in my hostel - missing all those cool shows and live footie :(
9. a pair of Oakley glasses - face it, gotta look cool to impress rite??
10. a Kirk Hammet series electic guitar wit a new amp - saw it at mid valley and it was 2 die 4
see Santa, not so bad eh, told u i tried to be reasonable. be waitin 4 d gifts on christmas mornin!
yours faithfully,
Shi En :)
Sunday, December 18, 2005
i have to say, there really is a nice christmasy feeling there. all d lights , d trees, and different christmas carrols playin at each court (which reminds me, i'll be compiling a wish list to santa prtty soon!). went to tis music shop, and sitting there in a corner was tis 12 string guitar.. havent seen one of those b4, and happily i asked if i could pick it up n try playin. boy, did it sound pretty sweet... its a totally different feel from strumming a normal 6 string one; and fyi, pressing d chords on d fret board issnt a problem. and it only cost about 450+ i think.. boy do i want that for christmas.. well, too bad i oledi got my new acoustic guitar. after that meet up wit may, jalan jalan awhile.. thn in d end i bought 1 shirt from romp for bout 45bucks and 1 t-shirt from ruffy for bout 30bucks.. there, im done for my christmas/CNY shoppin... would've bought maybe 1-2 more but i have to budget myself... income runnin low..too bad may had to go wit her parents.. abandon me halfway =-(.... nvm la, no biggie la.. i not small kid anymore k. hahaha...
oh, near romp, saw tis long line queing into tower records.. wondered which artsit was there.. thn lookin at d crowd which consists mostly of young, teeny , to middle age aunties and some ah mahs chinese women, carryin cds and marker pens in hand, it could oni be 1 person. our very own MI2 Daniel something.. hahaha.. honestly, i dont understand why on earth are those ppl goin gaga over him.. he cant sing for goodness sake.. well, even if he could, its juz ur average karoke singing type.. i know a few ppl who can sing way way better thn him. issit cos of his boyish and kononla cute look?? hmmmm..... wonder if i enter MI3 i would be tops.. hahahaha.. jkjk..
hmmm... met an unexpected person there as well, remember zanirah? yea, met her at tropicana life.. and i think she was more surprised to see me thn i was to seeing her.. haha.. cos just met a few of my college frens so wouldnt be a surprise if more showed up rite? well, sinc may abandoned me, i said ok to Z 's offer to go jalan jalan n catchup wit each other.. had good time. i think havent seen that budak since f5 man. haha.. thn as we were just sittin down n chattin at Long John Silvers (i think) up popped wei pinn and ah quan.. hahah. wow, wonder who id see next.. talked wit thm awhile... mentah2 they go and watch king kong.. haha.. dont think i'll be wathcin that d, cos my frens here oledi watched last fri.. dah le tak ajak.. n i tihnk d guys in malaccca d watch... oh well, not to0 interested in a movie about 1 BIG n HORNY ape anyway.. hahaha...
after jalan abit more wit Z, we parted ways as she had to go somewhere and i tot of goin back.. thn as i was about 2 go 2 d train stop, d ringing of chirstmas bells, and carrols playin juz lured me back into d mall. hahahah.. so went another round juz to walk n spent awhile in MPH.. which trip to mid valley would be complete witout a trip to mph rite.. hahaha.. finally went back at 730.. had something to eat back at wangsa.. cos d food at mid valley is o fast food and kinda high on my budget on d day..haha.. so overall i have to say it was a good day. really needed tis break due to d streeses of past n comin up assignments.. guess i'll be dozing off early today.. feel kinda sleepy d. haha. and as 4 d chelsea-arsenal match later on.. i have a funny feeling that chelsea will win 1-0 with a goal curtesy of either terry or crespo.. but of cos i'll be supportin d Gooners 4 tis match la :P
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
tis weekend was pretty hectic for me, came back early on fri cos so didnt feel like goin for class. and it was worth it la.. cos got to play futsal at 4, which i'd wouldnt be able to do if i were to attend tat borin lecture~... after that rushed to MP to watch narnia wit d guys n leo n suling n her fren. wasnt a bad show la.. like soon said, it was something like LOTR wit kiddies in it.. and d lion? haha. fake.. haha. oh, n leo belanja me again..hehe thx ya. oh, n i dunno whos d more dangerous driver, su ling or me? cos while i drive fast n maybe take corners abit too sharply, she on d other hand keeps tellin me to horn la, overtake la, curse la.. ahhaha LOLz.. farny..
after sendin d girls home, me n d guys went out for supper b4 goin to liangs house to start wat has been itchin most of us all week : DotA!! haha.. been ages since i've last played wit tis guys.. pretty fun. n babi, dah la i get all d hero's i dunno how to use...kena tapau pula...haha.. manage to catch d world cup draw as well.. n boi o boi, there are some interestin matches come game time come next summer. in d end, went back at around 630 am after numerous rounds of CS.haha.
but regretted sleepin soo 'early'.. had to wake up at 9 to send my sis o d way to semabok 4 guitar lessons.. n whn i got back at 11, could oni sleep for another 2 hours cos thn, most of my relatives were at d house.. had tis sorta small family gatherin thing cos my g'ma came down... n my mom decieded to host things.. and boy, was she on a high pms alert.. dunno la, it could aslo be becos of all d cookin by herself n all.. but really, had to keep my questionin , sarcasm and rebelness all underwraps for tat day.. eg: me: ' why do we hav to put d dog in my room? very noisy leh, cant sleep, cant put it in waye's room meh' mom: '....(evil stare) dont question me..(contiues wit d evil eye stare)' .. that was juz one, i think i kena 2 more thn oni i jus gav up n did wat i do best, keep quiet, n nod..hahaha...
spent sunday at my cuzzie's place in pj.. and manage to get 4 new episodes of One Tree Hill season3 and 3 new ones of The OC 3. yay~~!! so happy ^_^ . wonder which one will be more dramatic n juicy eh. i prefer d OC but i think OTH's brooke is hotter thn any of d girls..haha..just finish watchin season 1 of Numb3rs an CSI:NY. i think OC n OTH will bring more colour n life into my world.. haha... now if only i can get my hands on d 1st season of House from liang....
well, other thn tat, nuthin much happend... college life still sux >.< ... assigment s loadin up but still reluctant to do. got a presentation due tis thurs..haha.. manU tis year is goin down d toilet... sorry to say tis, n since im an avid red devil supporter ( ithink everyone knows tat) i think it would be best if sir alex would step down next season.. so in d mean time, i'll be rootin 4 my fav spanish team : barcelona! haha..
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Test for Dementia
Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK
Let's find out just how clever you really are
Ready? GO!!! (scroll down)
First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are
absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!
Try not to screw up in the next question.
To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for the first question.
Second Question:
If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person?
You're not very good at this! Are you?
Third Question:
Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.
Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000
Now add 10. What is the total?
Scroll down for answer.
Did you get 5000?
The correct answer is actually 4100.
Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?
Fourth Question:
Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini,
4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Answer: Nunu?
NO! Of course not.
Her name is Mary. Read the question again
Okay, now the bonus round:
There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By
imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully
expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is
Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of
sunglasses, how should he express himself?
He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.
Monday, December 05, 2005
well, had a minor stress reliever last weekend.. cousin from australia came back for break, so spend d weekend in pj. played dota there most of d time. but connection was bad.. how bad? lets say i could only finish bout 4-5 games out of 10 times i tried.. everytime get dc-ed .. something i didnt expect wit a streamyx connection.. damn bloody sux.. oh well, guess nuthin is perfect eh. juz afraid that they will ban my account cos of countless times i dc.
hmmm...had to wake up early 4 b'fast on saturday, went to mamak shop, 1 fascinating was even d mamak shop has its own TV channel! .. yes, called Kayu TV.. haha.. i dont remember seeing any shows but they were promoting thier menu and stuff like that.. and this mamak chain is so big that it even opened a branch in melbourne sumwhere tis yr! talk about global marketing eh.
later on, went to pc fair wif my cousins(sorry la soon, cousins wanted me to go wit em) as usual, tons of ppl goin there.. haha.. and alot of eye candy as well.. nyam.. hahaha... okok, tat was disgustin. but tis time round, din had much to buy, and was on a time limit... so just happened to quickly browsed tru the stuff.. pretty much d same like d one held earlier tis year. manage to finish in less thn 2 hours!!.. was surprised myself.. wats more surprising is, 1 whole pc fair, not even a single shop sells laptop batteries by itself.. and theres 1 fella, cant remember from wat shop said tis to me: "no, we dont sell batteries, but we do sell d laptop WITH d batteries, want to buy a laptop?" .. i was like O_0, wtf , u stupid or jus .. stupid?.. i wanted battery, not laptop... hai... wanted to buy HD as well, but too Xpensive, and dun have the cash at d moment, oh well, guess i have to wait 4 CNY 'bonus' thn come nxt yr n get 1. oh, and if i do have extra cash, i think i'll get a iPod nano.. damn chun n sleek..
thn on sunday, went 4 b'fast at tis place near KDU, someting Village or VIllage somethin was d name.. serves 1 mean plate of nasi lemak i have to say, n price aslo very mean... haha. but guess thats d prices around tht area huh.. straight after that, went to 1U for some shoppin.. and given that i havent been there for a long time, i'm impressed to say d shops there are preety cool,esp d makan shops. and i have to say this.. 1U is like d place for midclass to higher class ppl to shop.. really man, from the ppl tht i see, all branded gear frm head to toe.. can really compare d difference to places like say, even mid valley.. MP no need say la.. bet u all know how low it is.. lolz.. lots of posh restaurants n shops here.. sad thing is its out of d way from where i stay here... if only d LRT service went 1 whole loop and continued all d way past d MRR2 to 1U area.. i tihnk mega sales is here.. so guess might either go there again someday or mid valley to see some stuff..
and due to all my activities durin d weekend, im seriously havin a lack of sleep.. o_o.. had to wake up like 8 in d morn, n only sleep past 2 each nite, and no naps in between d day.. guess i need to be takin a nap now.. wil prob wake up jz in time 4 dinner.. lolz
Monday, November 28, 2005
_ Shi En.
Shi En is _.
If I were alone in a room with Shi En _.
I think Shi En should _.
Shi En needs _.
I want to _ Shi En.
Someday Shi En will _.
Shi En reminds me of _.
Without Shi En _.
Memories of Shi En are _.
Shi En can be _.
_ is how I describe meeting Shi En.
Worst thing about Shi En is _.
Best thing about Shi En is _.
I am __ with Shi En.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Speak to d Hand!..hahaha.. tis one was taken from d buddist temple in nanjing..

tis is the onboard d MagLev train in from pudong airport to the city. top speed: 430 km/h. freakin fast i tell ya. really cool piece of work


heres some pix of d new shanghai :


well, went to watch harry potter tis week wif leo n her cuzin n her bf. i was actually ask to go wif my classmates on thurs but they only told me on that very day.. so i had to tell thm : "screw u guys, im goin home to watch"..with all the hype n excitement, i tot it would be a show that would be worthy of claimin film of d year for me. and i was especially excited to see emma watson all grown up (well, i think she still has abit more to grow) and katie leung..hhaha.. well, sad to say that d film was a total let down.. really, for those who read d book, u'll feel utterly disappointed.. where do i begin.. ok la, spoilers ahead but wat d heck, i think most of ya already saw d show rite? so d first major setback was d quidditch world cup.. wif all the hype before it started.. as in all the fireworks la, d number of ppl there la.. yadda yadda.. and which part did we get to see? none! the show continued after d event.. wat a let down.. i was hoping to see some nice moves or at least abit of d sport..
hmm... major disappointment number 2: d triwizard tournament was cut short.. as in the only part they showed all featured harry... didnt get to see d other contestants battle d dragons.. oh.. that fleur girl was aslo kinda hot.. haha. they din show how d contestants prepared for d events.. another disappointment was that draco in this movie was merely an extra.. i tihnk he only popped up in 2 scenes in d entire movie.. haha.. and one of it aslo half nia.. cos the other half he turned into a possum.. hahah.. ai... but i have to say, the biggest disappointment has to be cho chang.. she only muttered 2-3 measly lines.. sad sial.. i was hopin to see more of her. but i have to say, her scottish accent was pekat to d max... hahaha.. no doubt where she comes from..
but ralph fines played his role to perfection.. although i tot d duel between harry n voldermot was suppose to be longer... oh well, all in all, i'd give d movie a 6/10... but i think for those who havent read d book, it should be a thrill to watch la. but no matter leo belanja me rite.. hahaha... eh, how much i owe u 4 d popcorn eh?. haha... after movie, manage to get nara, soon n liang out for a drink.. given d time thn was bout 12.. and si yong lahanat suppose to join but pulled out at d last min. U PUSSY!.. well, might be goin pc fair tis week, plannin to buy an external harddisk.. my 40 gb of space here suddenly vanish.. now left wif only 5gb. and no, there is no porn stash in my com!..
hmm.. thn d next day went to liangs house supposedly to install NFS:Most Wanted.. but my dvd drive had problems readin d disc so abandond d plan.. looked like a really cool game. most prob find someone here in kl wif d dvd n try to install.. hhaha.. thn tried to install F.E.A.R. , thats when i realized i needed more space... d game took up 5 gb.. hhaha.. but stumbled at d second hurdel.. there was no graphics appearing on d screen.. only d sound.. shit... at least let me see something rite.. haha.. oh well, in d end went back wif 2 series which should keep me occupied for at least 2 weeks..
thn later on went to su lings party.. nara was suppose to go, but as usual, he fly airplane.. haha.. so there was only me, don, ferd, leo, shnynn n prash that i knew.. other thn that all budak munshi.. haha. d food was nice.. thankfuly.. ahha.. gr8 to see those ppl again.. havnt seen thm in soo long.. all d 240 gatherings all tak ajak me.. peh... hahaha... after that went cc to play dota wif don.. well, playin on whn ur in a cc sux.. mainly cos of leavers n laggers... had a bad nite thn... kena pawn alot. cos of com lag.. haiz... imagine, got 1 sec delay time.. n my shadow shaman kena pawn siot.. SS.. haizz.. suppose to be 1 of my fav leh.. lagg.... coulndt time my combo properly... everytime d enemy can cabut.. sial la..
well, other thn that... nuthin much happend really.. another assignment juz got handed out tis week, and i realize that i have a maths quizz in 2 weeks time.. so damn fast .... well, finally got my china pix.. be uploadin a few here.. although i have to say some of em are very blurry.. due to us being amatuer photographers..hahah... some of d places i cant even remember where i was .. hahah...
Sunday, November 20, 2005
hmmm... went to watch real madrid vs barcelona tis mornin (3 am local time)... and boy was it worth it.. barca gave madrid a real footballin lessson.. seriously whooped their asses.. and current world player of d year Ronaldinho was on FIRE! n there was all the hype about the new pele and new maradona showdown... and IMHO, it was d argentine who shone d brightest.. imagine a kid at d age of 18, playin competitive first team football, agaisnt some of d finest out there.. and managing to weave around thm like playground kids... and to imagine that i'm already 19 comin on 20, and have done nuthin usefull yet in life.. :(.. FYI to those who have no idea y i would post tis here, well, its cos its d match between arguably the 2 top teams in spain.. and each and evryone of the 22 ppl on d pitch are fully fledge international players.. not to mention the rivalry between these 2 clubs which dates back to i tihnk a centuary or more ago.. and for those who think football is just a dumb game wif 22 ppl chasing after a spheric object, well, i think watchin tis game might change ur mind. the modern game simply at its finest... haha.. ok la, nuff of that..
on a smaller scale, played futsal 2day wif some of my colleges frens and frens of them... and my god was i out of shape.. dah le nearlyt 1 month tak main, wats more, im not feelin 2 well summore... sure, its just a soar throat u might say.. but the amount of phlemge (i think thats how its spelled) in my chest causes me to be short of breath.. and takin to account that my last real excercise was durin my last sem break, i could feel my muscles twitch from almost every part of my thigh early on. hahaha.. but all in all, a fun game, and i think i scored 5 or 6 goals in d process.. not includin a number of assist... haha. not bad for someone whos not at 80% let alone 100% fit eh.. hahaha..
hmmm... other thn that, nuthin much happened durin d week.. same old same old.. haha.. oh does anyone know d meaning of 'sue pou' in chinese ?? in the contex of : " ur treatin me like a sue pou" ... i havent have the faintest idea... and maybe cos i dunno how its pronounced.. haha. dun ask me where i got it from, i just did, so .. help me n maybe i might share...hahaha..
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
tis is pure bull... damn u MSN!!!
*the above is juz me venting my anger, if anyone knows how to resolve tis prob, do tell*
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
anyways, sorry i havnt posted any pics of my trip to china yet.. hopefully soon :) ... really startin to miss the weather there.... its been bloody hot here. and in the late evenin , it starts to pour cats n dogs... college life has been preety much the same here.. i seriously need to study tis sem man.. cant afford to fail anymore... financial burden as well.. hahah...
been havin frequent power cuts here at hostel. juz yesterday had 3 times!.. mf, dah le at nite, cant see shit, n cant sleep as well, damn hot... and wats worse.. everytime power out, my laptop aslo laptop battery seemed to have died liao.. eversince whn i came back from china... juz had no more energy... ahah.. sux.. looks like i have to comeout money again to buy a new laptop battery... damn sux man.. oh, jz bought FM2006.. wasnt a breeze to install, got so many steps to follow, so ma fan.. jz 4 1 game.. its gettin more n more complicated tis days.. whn the game makers up thier anti theft technology, so do the pirates wif thier anti anti theft tech. haha.
juz realized that almost everyone is havin thier holidays either now or somewhere next month.. which leaves me all alone wifout hols :( ... MMU budak only got 1month plus ... so can consider relaxing time la.. hahah.. and that yong lahanat has been bugging me to go korea wif him. haha... cant la. jz came back from china n now u want me to go korea?? u suck man. and happy rotting in malacca.. whahaahah..
finally got to watch the 3rd n latest season of the OC.. wat can i say, i think tis will be a far more interstin season thn the previous 2.. but somehow somethings are kinda predictable.. but no matter.. as long as got hot chix in it, im all for the OC!!.. wahaha.. still dreamin one day that i'll be livin the lavish lifestyle of the ppl from Newport beach..
hmmm.. the latest harry potter flick is due out tis thursday... really hope i can find someone to teman me go watch man... cos so far i've been askin my usual movie kaki's frm my class and all of em say 'no, not intersted'... damn shit... are anyone in malacca catchin the show?? really want to see more of hermoine.. from wat i saw in the trailers... she's really 'grown up'.. haha.. hopefully i dont have to resort in buyin the dvd la.. haha..
ok i guess its time 4 me nap.. the bloody drillin and hammerin on the top floor as finally stopped.. ahh... tranquility... and hopefully no power outages!
Monday, November 07, 2005
but somethings that i can remember clearly was that 1)the toilets in china (at least the ones that ive been) are surprisingly CLEAN.. yeap, cleaner thn the ones u get back here.2) if u think drivers in kl are crazy hell drivers, then ppl drivin in china are freakin mental and have no fear of death wat so ever.. they dont seem to care if there's other cars on the road (or pedestrians for that matter) . they just turn, stop, park, run the light whenever they want.. u really have to have veins of ice to be able to drive in china.3) there seems to be alot of toll booths on the chinese highway.. its like to get from point A to point B, theres at least 4 toll booths to go tru.. and here we are complainin about sami rising the prices of our PLUS highway. 4) it seems that chinese brewd beer is cheaper then normal soft drinks here. cos every meal i had (lunch n dinner) consist of 2 china brand beer and just 1 bottle of soft drink. 5) most of the ppl in china have that weird type of look.. as if their faces are more.. how to say 'polygons'.. as in they have more 'edges' on thier faces... so if u were walkin down some street there, its fairly easy to recognize a local from a foreigner. 6) havent seen a single cyber cafe in all the 6 cities i've been to, which sux.. 1 week no on9.
well, thts just a lil of china la. the rest have to sabar.. will get some pictures uploaded pretty soon. but its good to be back home i guess.. back to reality.. n i guess i'll need plenty of rest for the next few days.. had very little sleep in my time in china.
and oh, b4 anyone else says anything. im happy to say that i've been mistaken about the situation between me n that girl. turns out that she has her own agenda for wat happened. and it has nuthin to do wif me. thank god 4 tht. so i guess all that worryin was 4 nuthin. haha.. but its good to hear that im not the only one who has this sorta feeling. :) . n so i guess things are cool with us..
Saturday, October 29, 2005
So i guess i wont be bloggin or goin on9 for a week!! and i doubt i'd get any free internet access over there, cos apart from shanghai, i'll be tourin to some rural areas looking at mountains and scenery....sigh.. im not 1 who really appreciates nature.. but i wont mind my perspective being changed though. however, i will be bringing my mp3 player to keep me company just incase i get bored out of my mind!!. oh FYI, urs truely here has never, i repeat NEVER sat on an airplane b4 (there something about me u dont know!). so as 1 would put it, it'll be my 'virgin' flight..wahahaha.. somehow i cant get the kinkiness out of my mind whn i think about it,hahaha.
well, on tis trip i hope to get some nice pics so that i can update my frenster page (which photos are soo outdated..:P) and i heard that the shoes here are really cheap, esp nike and adidas brands. so i hope to come back wif at least 1 pair of new sneakers! hmmm.. what else there is cheap and good eh.. have no idea , guess i'll just have to go n see.. as for souviners, i'll see what i can dig up thats nice la. oh, and i heard that it'll be the end of autumn and beginning of winter, so it should be cold.. and i do hope to see snow!. unlike lip who must be sick of it by now...hehehe..
ok, nuff bout tht, more updates on my trip whn i get back or if i have a chance of goin on9 there. i have something thats been bugging me for a week now. ever had that feeling where u think that u did something wrong that might offend someone, and the only thing is, ur not the one who did it directly. and u want to say sorry, but have no idea wat for or why? . but u know theres something wrong cos that person u use to have conversations wif suddenly just stop conversing wif ya, just like that ? confusing eh..
well, my prob is (i shall not go into detail cos sked wait i make a big fuss out of nuthin, thn i'l be in real shit!) theres tis person, see, and we just got to know each other recently.. n things were goin fine.. chatted on9, frenster msg, and even sms lately (if ur wonderin is tis my new crush, the answers 'no', cos its still toooooo early)... thn 1 nite while on9 rite, (n just FYI, my hostel net connection always cuts of every 1 hour, and have to reconnect again ourselves...) so that person was typin something tht i asked la, thn mana la tau, ngam ngam, the net refresh and i dint get d msg. n u know la msn takes a very long time to refresh itself.. so i didnt know i was not signed in even whn my status was on9.. so tiu lo. whn reconnect, i asked the question again hoping she din send anything while the connection thing was happenin. and she gave a very very short answer, and the nxt line, almost immediatly, was 'goodbye n gnite' . n i was like wtf... but i cant take things to deep rite, cos were just still frens.. well, i dont know if can consider frns not,cos nvr meet in person b4. thn bout n hour l8er, being the type of person that i am, i just send a sms to say sry if i did anything to offend her la.. but the worse situation followed after that... nono, she didnt fire me, that would be ok, cos at least i know shes mad, but there was no reply at all.. not for a day, not even till today..
i mean, im fine la if she dun want to cht wif me or wat so ever n e more (im being hypothetical) but at least let me know so that we dont end on a sour note rite... even as frens.. knowing me, i hate to leave things unfinished.. wats the word... i need closure ..hahaha... i mean at least let me know something, good or bad.. the worse is tis, not knowin anything.. so now im stuck.. i dont realy know wat to do..(yea, surprising rite, since i the one who often gives advice on situations like tis).. well, its not ur average situation.. its like, we're not close enuf for me to bring out the big guns nor are we just acquainted for me to just forget tis person and pass it on. so can say tht tis is a new situation la. haiz...
oh well, guess id just tell her sry again n that im goin off tis week and maybe i'll think of doin somethin whn i get back.. but for now, ManU are playin so i'll sign off here and be back in bout a weeks time
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
but luckly i remembered tis really chun cartoon ' Happy Tree Friends'.. so decided to search for it and dl to watch. and surprisingly, watching pure cartoon volience did lift my mood up considerably. haha.. *can haer may pin saying : sadist sadist!* ... dl-ed a whole bunch.. should keep me entertained for the next half to 1 hour i guess..
and the second sucky thing that happend today was, my com kena virus.. and it was spread from msn!! ... thankfully i searched it up on the net, but that was after my itchy hands click the 'ok' button.. hahaah.. it was a good thing aslo that the person who sent me the virus unknowingly warned me later on. but that was 2 late liao.. so, begininning to freak out.. but luckly the tech support on the net is pretty effective.. and the virus was reported several days earlier. so after several hours of tweakin and searching.. i finally solved the problem. i think la. oh and the way the virus spreads itself is by tis msg " haha, is this really you? (some random numbers)user= (ur email address)" so if u recieve tis msg from any of ur frens, including me, dont click on it, and dont be scared, it only activates whn u click on it and download some thing..
oh and to top off this blue blue monday it started rainin heavily in the evenin and it still is now.. but as the saying goes, every grey cloud has a silver lining rite? well, mine today so happend to be the Happy Tree Friends and an unsuspected msg from someone (dont want to eleborate cos dont want to make something out of nuthin eh).. oh well, guess its back to Happy Tree Friends.. *in the HTF tone* ~lalalalalala lalalalala.. lala lalala lalalala la lalalala~ hahaha
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Trustworthy. Sexy. Rare to find. Loves being in a long relationship. Extremly energetic.
Amazing in bed, the BEST lovers.
Stubborn. Ambitiousa and serious. Loves to teach and be tought. Never look at peoples flaws or weaknesses. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tense. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illness but prone to colds. Loving and loyal. Loves children. Has great social abilities. Money cautious, can budget successfully.
well, after reading this, i'm surprised to find out that at least 70% of wat is said, is pretty true about the person i am. and the most accurate thing and aslo the most wierdest is that i am resistant to other illness but damn easily get colds!.. really, i seldom come down with fever or food poisoing, etc. but cold is something i get rather 2 often!.. haha.. the other 30% is up to other ppl to judge and tell me. and for me to find out myself.. however, i do remain a sceptic about all the 'written in the stars' mumbo jumbo, but i am now less a scepctic, much much less..
Ten years ago i was...
at the age of 9, still inoccent, still fat. didnt know anything about football then, or neither was i interested in girls. all i knew was playing 'galah panjang' , 'ceper' wif budak budak at my skol and watchin cartoons. use to give teachers quite alot of problems cos damn lazy to hand up homework. tis is the year i started to pick up taekwondo. haha..
Five years ago i was...
at the ripe age of 14, this is when i begin mixing wif the ppl that i know until now, esp the bebudak melaka clan. started cursing like no tomorrow, haha.. learn new words almost everyday! this has to be the most relaxed year of secondary skol, had no worries, no commitments . didnt give a shit about skol work..and due to that , was my last year in the 1st class.. hehe.. i still remember playing football every evening at the field , starting as early as 4 pm till it got dark. then it was only us, now, its contaminated wif malays... ahha..still givin teachers problems by not handing up homework...
One year ago i was...
at the legal age of 18, my first year here at TARc. had abit of a cultral shock.. cos 90% if the students here speak mandrin as their 1st language. so with my limited mandrin skills, i was still able to survive la. thankfully. almost everyone i know are at different unis/colleges, one went to russia. ; been in a total of 2 relationships by the end of that year.. both ended.. one i had my heart broken..nono, shattered ; the other, i broke her heart , not proud of it but oh well, wat to do, lifes not fair. got my very own and first laptop and handphone. begin to play DotA.
Yesterday i was...
19 years , 8 months and dunno how many days. sorta happy wif my life. still single, i think i might even get tru 1 yr being single!.. beginning to think more maturely about stuff.. i tihnk so la. counseling one of my 'heng tai', u know who u r ;). ; playing football in my hostel block and broke a flourecent light!! haha.. smoke came out of it.. haha... luckly no one was hurt by the glass or from inhaling the gas ; beginning to get addicted to naruto. haha
Five snacks i enjoy:
1. pringles sour cream n onion
2. mamee monster
3. oreos
4. tim tams
5. m&ms
Five songs that i know all the words to:
1. Hotel California (The Eagles) [i can even play the whole song as well!]
2. She Hates Me (Puddle of Mudd)
3. Numb (Linkin Park)
4. Sk8er Boi (Avril Lavigne)
5. Time of Your Life (Greenday)
Five bad habits:
1. using the 4 letter word in almost every sentence
2. laziness
3. jelousy (not often)
4. forgetfullness
5. sleeping in class!
Five biggest joys:
1. when i got my laptop
2. being sport house captian (although we didnt get 1st, but it was still gr8 fun)
3. when i could officialy drive with a licence
4. when i got my electic guitar
5. when i made friends with the ppl that i know now and still hang out with (tis has to be the
biggest of em all)
Five favourite toys (when i was yourger):
1. my ninja turtle collection ( i had all 4 turtles plus 3 baddies!!)
2. my remote controlled car
3. my lego collection.. loads of em
4. my ernie & bert puppets when i was 5!
5. my wolverine action figure
Five places i would runaway to:
1. my room
2. on top of bukit beruang
3. the dead end over looking a paddy field in bukit beruang
4. the field at tmn sentosa
5. the sandy beaches of malibu
Five things i would never wear:
1. womens clothing
2. lingerie
3. tight fitting tees like Simon Cowell
4. anything wif pink as its main color
5. bell bottoms (they're so yesterday to me)
Five favourite tv shows:
1. The OC
2. One Tree Hill
3. The Shield
4. CSI : LV, NY
5. South Park
Five fictional characters i would date:
1. Marissa Cooper ( Micha Barton-The OC)
2. Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert - The Girl Next Door)
3. Peyton Sawyer (Hilarie Burton - One Tree Hill)
4. Sam (Jessica Alba - Into The Blue)
5. Haruno Sakura (Naruto)
Five people i tag to do this:
1. Lynnie cuzz
2. leonie
3. wei nie
4. daryl
5. khai lip
Friday, October 21, 2005
ok, well, dint blog much tis week cos basicly, there was nuthin much to blog about.. haha.. a preety boring week shall i say. no dota.. yeap.. havent played dota here since monday.. and its friday oledi. ohh... but i did manage to catch a few movies.. umm. 4 actually, no, 5 , but i got damn bored during the first 5 min that i switch it off.. hahaha..
lets see, the 1st movie i saw tis week was the Transporter 2. for those who didnt catch the 1st movie, no worries, theres nutin similar between the both of em, except the transporter himself and his french buddy.. the main plot of the show is some baddy is trying to wipe out the entire anti narcotics body from the northern hemisphere by some bio tech weapon by infecting the son of one of the ppl involved.. basicly theres nuthin much about the drugs thing, just plenty other stuff.. fighting lo.. . over all, id say this show is worth the watch , although some of the action scenes are fake to the max.. its like, how can he be so damn accurate and lucky??!!.. haha.. oh btw, my nokia 7200 did make an appearance in the movie!! the second time after "War of The Worlds"! (okok, not MINE, but the same model la)..
next up is "the sound of thunder" , which basicly sux.. dunno.. i copied the dvd onto my HD to watch, but after just 5 min, i got so freakin bored, i closed the damn thing.. dunno la, maybe no mood that day kot, and from the reviews i got from friends, it totally sux... maybe whn im bored out of my mind i might take a look at it again.. hahaahah...
well, things could only get better after tht, and it did, next up : Goal! .. well, like the newspaper reviews put it : a typical rags to riches kinda story .. and IMHO, it is a pretty cool movie, and im damn jelous siot.. the main actor can do all sorts of skills wif the ball after just few months of training, and i cant even do it after dunno how many years.. hahaha.. yea, there were cameos by the Real Madrid players.. a total time of id say.. 4 mins max.. wif becks of cos takin most of the light.. haha.. ohh. and the part of the story i kinda enjoy was thier british accent.. my god, damn pekat siot.. like kopi kao kao kao!! haha.. esp those ppl from the north east of england.. haha.. can barely understand.. some of my frens who were watchin wif me really didnt understand a word that was muttered..haha. had to slowly translate for thm.. id give tht show a 7/10 (the xtra 1 rating is cos im a footie fan).
well, the next movie i saw was 'Doom'.. and this i did go to the cinema at times square.. and to my surprise, it was only 6 bucks!!! well, that was after student rate la.. but ori price aslo 8 nia. like malacca.. and its the premiere as well! haha.. all i can say is that the show rocks cos it has the rock innit!!.. haha.. and there is a slight twist to the plot in the end.. there's aslo a part where the camera angle turns first person.. so its like playing the game itself!! kewl.. and on a monster screen summore.. hahah...
after movie, went sungai wang and low yat plaza.. and i have to admit, its my first time here after 1 yr being in kl *^_^* . and its a freakin big place.. hehe...
ok, i hear ppl shouting to play dota.... finally
Sunday, October 16, 2005
anyways the weather was freekin hot when we left, as in was sweating even in the car on the way to the lrt. .. once we were there, i noticed that mid valley had sprouted a few new shops.. one of which was a new guitar shop.. right beside the McD near GSC there, damn impressive... from the outside.. cos i didnt get to go in :(, being wif this bunch of ppl... and saw some nice shirts at tropicana.. and 3pointsix. i think i'll go there again sometime soon alone.. maybe next weekend or wat. n just jln jln.. really wanna check out that guitar shop, cos thinkin of getting a new acoustic guitar..hehe.. my sis kononnyer wanna start guitar lessons , so i guess i'll give her my classical one n get meself a new 1 hhaha..
anyways, basicly wat we did at the mall was just movie, lunch, jlan abit, n balik.. and whn we arrived back at wangsa, thats near my college around 5 pm, it started to rain heavy giler. noted that it was still bright n shiny whn we got oout of mid valley bout half n hour earlier. luckly my fren has a car. so that part selamat la... but the rain got so heavy that it tripped the electric in my hostel bloc..damn.. its always my block.. and the rain was stil too heavy to call the guard to switch it on again.. so had no choice but to sleep.. wanted to on9, but the freakin server got shut down.. due to the thunder storm.
by the time i woke up it was nearly 8... power was back on , thank god 4 that, and it just drizzled lightly. but the freakin thing was the net was down. damn tu lan sial.. it was down till about 11 pm.. thn finally la can on9.. n luckly too.. oh.. theres alot of things being broken in my hostel la, just feel like tellin off the management one of these days .. lets see, water dispenser rosak la, shower head hilang la, toilet lock rosakla.. my god.. the things that go wrong here.. un fuckin believeable..
dunno la, i aslo lemah d.. wanna go sleep 1st.. might go watch footie later.. see how la..
Thursday, October 13, 2005
WOnder why
so, the thing thats bugging me is, am i the type of guy who is seen as one who is always attached to someone ?? nono, dont get me wrong, not that im angry or anything.. i'm just puzzled as to why nia... whats so.. about me that makes ppl ponder that question to me?.. is it flattering? i dunt know, maybe a lil .. if i have a girl.. haha.. as 4 now, i guess i'm contempt wif the single life.. and lets just say, after 2 relationships, i've learned alot like wat to do and wat to expect and wat not to.. but not that i would turn down the chance if THE near perfect one comes by. i say near perfect, cos no one is perfect rite... so have to settle for whats best that i can get. and if , say la, if there is a perfect someone for me or anyone else, wont it be kinda boring? haha.. i think it would..
anyways, guess this issue will be bugging my mind for sometime... btw, kelly clarkson's new song - Because of You is freakin nice IMHO.. cant get it out of my head :))
I'm Baaackkk!!....with a sucky sem coming up!
on the brightside, i've finally suscribed to the wireless access here... cos i cant take being in the online wilderness any more!!... its only 58 bucks a month and im sharing with 2 other ppl.. so ok la.. so this means seeing me more online then usual.. hehehe.. gift or curse? haha. well, its b'cos of that that i decided to start blogging again.
this week, surprisingly i had only one nite of dota-ing wif my hostel mates. which is a surprise since we dota everynite for about 2-3 games.. even on exam week!!.. haha.. but the weekend is comin up, so .. guess thats about to change.. looking 4ward to this weekend cos its the final race of the F1 season.. with just 2 points seperating the top 2 teams.. intresting sport f1 is, i just happen to have too much free time that i decided to go and look at the official site and check out f1 in depth, and i have to say, its a really really complex sport. everything is down to the smallest of milimeters , a minute error can cost a team millions of dollars on and off the race track. preety cool eh!:) .. if its possible, i might chose to study automotive engineering in the future... haha.. well , thats just an IF..
well, other then that, its been a quite so-so week la.. i cant use p2p here, so i'll be getting my mp3's from those who generous enuf to share wif me la.. :) hehe.. btw, construction is still ongoing on my blog so expect minor changes in times to come k.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Out Of The Shadows
i guess this blog will be more or less the same as my previous blogs (i.e. plenty of ranting, excessive cursing, givin credit where credit is due, advicing ppl, etc). And i guess i'll not be blogging that often cos sometimes theres nutin to blog about.. so.. will blog when theres interesting things happenin.. other than that, happy reading i guess :)..